This page contains pre-release screenshots for Arena. Most come from promotional slideshows distributed by Bethesda, which can be found here.
Box art
(May 1993 / August 1993) -
Box art with release date
(February 1994) -
An unused title screen
(May 1993 / August 1993 / March 1994) -
The book from the intro
(May 1993) -
Player character with a head, skin color, and clothes that are unavailable in the released game. The character sheet layout and font are not finalized
[Jehanna Khel, Wood Elf, Mage]
(May 1993 / August 1993) -
Player character now with final design, although the appearance and equipment don't match the displayed race and class.
[Tristynak Greensly, Breton, Healer]
(March 1994) -
Player character appearance doesn't match the description, the shipped interface is on display
[Jehon Khel, Wood Elf, Mage]
(February 1994) -
Player character
[Corriron Grayire, Dark Elf, Warrior]
(Player's Guide) -
Dragons at the Crystal Tower, early GUI, and the cut party system
(May 1993) -
Dragons at the Crystal Tower, early GUI, and the cut party system
[Lila, Boric, Glamril, Acklius]
(August 1993) -
A smithy
(May 1993) -
An inn
(May 1993) -
Map of Tamriel with cities marked. The location of Daggerfall was changed before release.
(August 1993) -
The same map of Tamriel, with slightly different lighting
(March 1994) -
Map of Morrowind. Settlements are very slightly off from their final positions and Corkarth Run is a town rather than a village. There is a fourth button in the GUI which does not appear in the release version.
(August 1993 / March 1994) -
Demonstration of the ability to make notes on town maps in Taneth. The layout is final but the doors are colored differently, water doesn't appear and the player is marked with a red square rather than a yellow arrow.
(March 1994) -
The wilderness
[Lila, Boric, Glamril, Acklius]
(August 1993) -
A farm
[Lila, Boric, Glamril, Acklius]
(August 1993) -
A farm
[Lisander, Redguard]
(February 1994) -
A farm, without lights in the windows [Corrira, High Elf]
(March 1994) -
A dungeon entrance
[Lila, Boric, Glamril, Acklius]
(August 1993) -
The same dungeon entrance, with a different menu up
[Uthoryon, Breton]
(March 1994) -
Datamined screenshot depicting the dungeon developer menu on the second level of Dagoth-Ur
[Talin, Breton]
(Deluxe Edition) -
A desert town at night
[Vlid, Redguard]
(March 1994) -
A snowy town
[Lila, Boric, Glamril, Acklius]
(August 1993) -
A snowy town
[Boric, Nord]
(February 1994) -
A snowy town with fog
[Mokir, Khajiit]
(March 1994) -
An example of the original party system
[Lila, Boric, Glamril, Acklius]
(August 1993) -
A woman in a town at dusk
(May 1993 / August 1993 / March 1994) -
A woman in a town at dusk
[Glamril, Khajiit]
(February 1994) -
Slave market
(May 1993 / August 1993) -
[Corrira, High Elf]
(March 1994) -
[Lila, Boric, Glamril, Acklius]
(August 1993) -
[Theodorus, Dark Elf]
(February 1994) -
[Vlid, Redguard]
(March 1994) -
[Lila, Boric, Glamril, Acklius]
(August 1993) -
[Crocen, Redguard]
(March 1994) -
[Lila, Boric, Glamril, Acklius]
(March 1994) -
[Acklius, Argonian]
(February 1994) -
A troll
(May 1993 / August 1993)