Fire Daedra are fiery elemental creatures. They begin combat with a barrage of fireballs, which can cause significant amounts of damage if you fail to dodge them. Their melee attacks are quite strong as well, but they are weak to frost, so ranged attacks and frost-based spells will prove effective in combat. Fire daedra are fairly intelligent and can be engaged in conversation. You can use their dislike of Frost Daedra to your advantage when you speak to them, but you are unlikely to avoid combat when the conversation is over.
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90 | 200 | 70 | 50 | 60 | 50 | 60 | 35 | 50 | 45 |
Location | Level 4, Level 5 | ||||||||
Spells | Medium Fire |
Level 4: Shade Perilous DialogueEdit
This is spoken by any Fire Daedra in Shade Perilous when engaged in conversation:
A party crasher! Wicked little party crasher! Did you think we would not notice your wicked intrusion into our new banquet hall?
Player Response | Result |
Well sure. After all, you're even stupider than you look. | END MONSTERATTACK &FireMad |
I should have known that one as great as you would find me right away. | Reply 1 |
[&XivilaiName] This banquet hall is only for the great Xivilai Moath! | END MONSTERATTACK &FireMad |
[&FaydraName] This banquet hall is only for the great Faydra Shardai! | Reply 7 |
Reply 1Edit
Your obsequious flattery has purchased you another moment of precious life. I shall torment your soul a moment longer before I send it into the darkness forever.
Player Response | Result |
Not if I release yours first! | END MONSTERATTACK &FireMad |
I thank his lordship. Why is his lordship in this realm? | Reply 2 |
Reply 2Edit
This is our party! The Shade Perilous is the sweetest delicacy in Nocturnal realm, and it now belongs to the Fire Daedra! Our master shall feast with us forever within its darkened splendor!
Player Response | Result |
Who's your master? | Reply 3 &FDBrag |
Reply 3Edit
Such notions are beyond your ken, naughty manling. You've been wicked and you must be punished.
Player Response | Result |
What did I do to deserve punishment? | Reply 4 |
Reply 4Edit
You have interrupted my frolic! You thought you could come here to play? Now we will play with you! I shall sear your organs and shrivel your mortal soul with exquisite flame!
Player Response | Result |
Less chatter, and more batter, would suit me fine. Let's fight. | END MONSTERATTACK &FireMad |
[&FrBrag] The Frost Daedra say that this realm belongs to them. | Reply 5 |
Reply 5Edit
They lie! We first conceived the deceit and betrayal of the foolish Nocturnal Lieutenant!
Player Response | Result |
Well, I just don't know who to believe. Excuse me while I give this a good long think. | END MONSTERATTACK |
If I were you, I'd blast them all to Oblivion before they can claim all the credit for your glorious triumphs. | Reply 6 |
Reply 6Edit
We will boil those icy dullards when the time comes! But now it's time to play with you!
Player Response | Result |
But I was so enjoying our little chat. Pity. | END MONSTERATTACK |
Reply 7Edit
Our Lord Faydra Shardai is all-powerful! We exalt her name!
Player Response | Result |
Yeah! Exalt her a lot. Faydra Shardai!, that is. | Reply 8 &FaydraName |
Now you are under my command! | END MONSTERATTACK &FireMad |
Reply 8Edit
Faydra Shardai shall revel in the Nocturnal ichor that flows with darkling mana! Only Faydra Shardai understands the beauty of that deadly power, and only Faydra Shardai deserves to keep it!
Player Response | Result |
[&XivilaiName] Xivilai may have something to say about that. | Reply 9 |
Yeah? Well, maybe Faydra isn't the only one angling to claim the credit for the success of this little caper. | Reply 9 |
Reply 9Edit
But you are wrong! Xivilai Moath is too dull-witted to understand the power that is here. Faydra Shardai, greatest child of Mehrunes Dagon, planned this attack, and only Faydra Shardai shall drink of the rewards!
Player Response | Result |
But Xivilai's Frost Daedra are drinking rewards too. What do we do about them? | Reply 10 &XivilaiName |
Reply 10Edit
Yeaaah! We can do nothing! Nothing! Faydra and Xivilai have a pact that forbids us from melting them to vaporous mists!
Player Response | Result |
Too bad! You did all the planning and they get all the magica! Hah- hah- hah. | END MONSTERATTACK &FireMad |
Tell you what. If you help me roast them, I'll do your dirty work for you. | Reply 11 |
Reply 11Edit
Ah! Ahhh! You are indeed wicked! We agree to this bond, and to bind our agreement, we gift to you a Helm of the Fire Opal that will warm your delicate flesh when the icy winds of Frost Daedra wrap you in their frigid embrace!
Player Response | Result |
Great. Thanks. | Reply 12 Put 24_4011 |
Take something from you? Never! My mother taught me never to take presents from sneaky monsters. | END MONSTERATTACK &FireMad |
Reply 12Edit
Be not surprised that we continue to attack you while you are in the Shade Perilous. We may not evade our orders. But if you shy away from our revels, and seek the plodding Frost Daedra, we will not have to melt your mortal clay. Now we dance the dance of triumph, and drive the Frost Daedra from our glorious party!
Player Response | Result |
You bet. | END &FirePal |
Hey, what do you know about the Dremora? | Reply 13 |
Reply 13Edit
Like the Frost Daedra, they do not understand the pleasures of the dance. They have no joy in the revel. They even stopped our wicked sport with the lesser Nocturnal.
Player Response | Result |
Who? | Reply 14 |
Reply 14Edit
When we did capture and bind the Nocturnal Lieutenant Jaciel Morgen, the lesser Nocturnal Deyanira Katrece also became our prisoner. Our master, Faydra Shardai, sought to drain the lesser Nocturnal of her darkling power. Power for our pleasure. But the passionless Dremora stopped us! The Dremora are dry husks, and the fires of desire rage not in them. Their hearts are colder than the frigid Frost Daedra!
Player Response | Result |
So where are these Nocturnal prisoners? | Reply 15 &JacielName AND &DeyaniraName |
Reply 15Edit
Wicked mortal! You ask for more than you deserve!
Player Response | Result |
If you want me to crush Frost Daedra, you better tell me. | Reply 16 |
Reply 16Edit
Yes. I see. Well. The lesser Nocturnal is the farthest cell in the southern vault. We visit her to torment her with Fire and Frost. The portal only opens to the command "The Gerent of Dagon Rules Here."
Player Response | Result |
And what about the Number One? The Noctural [sic] Lieutenant? Where's she? | Reply 17 |
Reply 17Edit
The greater Nocturnal is beyond the whirling spiral grinders, but she is beyond even MY power to visit. Now run, wicked one! Run and splinter the Frost Daedra, as you swore in your pact! We will cavort while you shatter the Frost Daedra into a thousand icy shards!
Player Response | Result |
Revel on, Fire Lord. And save that last dance for me. See you later. | END &FirePal |
[[The firey titan scowls furiously and refuses to speak with you.]]
[[He shrugs indifferently, and says nothing.]]
Level 5: The Chimera of Desolation DialogueEdit
We are the Greater Hounds. We chase the Hare, in accordance with the Laws of the Wild Hunt. And, manling, for what you did to us in Shade Perilous, we will repay you ten times over.
Player Response | Result |
The weedier the warrior, the sillier the chatter. Go ahead, big boy. Make me quiver. | END MonsterAttack &FireMad |
[&Blame] I know all about it. You only got that honor because the Frost Daedra got the blame for the Shade Perilous debacle. | Reply 4 |
[&Egahirn] Look, Smoky. I know you are just doing your job, but you know the Law. It won't matter WHO breaks the Laws of the Wild Hunt. ALL of you bear the stain of dishonor. | Reply 1 |
Reply 1Edit
What? We know the Law. No one has broken the Law.
Player Response | Result |
Oh, dear. I see. You didn't know. But Egahirn holds the sixth key, which is, of course, against the Law. | Reply 2 |
Reply 2Edit
What? Wait! How is it that you, mortal, know the Law?
Player Response | Result |
Oh, come now. Did you think that if I didn't know the Law, that it had not been broken? Did they TELL you that? How can you be so naive? | Reply 3 |
Reply 3Edit
Manling. We care little for the Law. We care for our own glory! We wish to avenge our shame in Shade Perilous. We want YOU dead. We have been TOLD to spare you for Egahirn's Spear, but we care nothing for Egahirn, or for his glory. If Egahirn is forsworn of his oath, then he gains neither power nor glory for his kill – but we don't care. All we care about is the kill. We will see you dead. That is reward enough for us.
Player Response | Result |
Hmm. In short, it's you, or me. No mercy. So be it. Goodbye. | END MonsterAttack &FireMad |
Reply 4Edit
How do you know this? What do you know of the counsels of Lord Dagon?
Player Response | Result |
I have my sources. Not all of your clan enjoys the confidence of Lord Dagon. And there are always ambitious, clever Daedra eager to trade words and favors. | Reply 5 |
I know that Faydra Shardai started the war against the Shade Perilous. NOT Xivilai Moath. | Reply 6 |
Reply 5Edit
Foolish mortal! I am not interested in your little tales and tattles.
Player Response | Result |
Perhaps the winged woman, the Dark Seducer, might be a more gracious audience for my account of your faction's embarrassing lapses in judgement and execution at Shade Perilous. | Reply 6 |
Well, then, no point in idle chatter. Let's just get on with the war. Ready? | END MonsterAttack &FireMad |
Reply 6Edit
Hmm. It would not perhaps be in your best interests to speak to the Dark Seducer about this.
Player Response | Result |
Pity. I wish I had known how you felt before I spoke with her. | Reply 7 |
Speak to me more about my best interests. | Reply 8 |
Reply 7Edit
You have already told her?! Curse you and your meddling!
Player Response | Result |
Temper, temper. Mustn't add to your already extensive list of fumbled responsibilities. | END MonsterAttack &FireMad |
Reply 8Edit
Your price, mortal. What do you want?
Player Response | Result |
An end to the Hunt? | Reply 9 |
Reply 9Edit
We cannot end the Hunt, and would not if we could.
Player Response | Result |
A way to kill the Huntsmen? | Reply 10 |
Reply 10Edit
The Huntsmen cannot be killed, fool. They are protected by the ritual from all mortal weapons. We can and will tell you that only the Huntsman Egahirn will take your life today on these grounds. His kinsmen have chosen to stay their blows, thus assuring that Egahirn shall strike the killing blow. Though all Huntsmen are protected by the ritual, only one, Egahirn, hunts in earnest.
Player Response | Result |
Your information is useful. A fair trade. A favor for a favor. I will not reveal your ineptitudes and miscalculations to the Dark Seducer. Goodbye. | END |
But such a tidbit is hardly worth my silence. Have you anything else to offer? Tell me how to get into the Chapel of the Innocent Quarry? | Reply 11 |
Reply 11Edit
Perhaps. If you will tell the Dark Seducer that the Xivilai Moath and the Frost Daedra were at fault at the Shade Perilous, and not us?
Player Response | Result |
That is another matter. And hardly the truth. But. I agree. | Reply 12 |
Reply 12Edit
Very well. Only we, the Great Hounds, the Fire Daedra, carry the amulet that grants passage beyond the warding sigil. And none of us would give you an amulet, or permit you to take one. So resign yourself, mortal.
Player Response | Result |
So. You have the necessary amulet. What a pity. Goodbye. | END |
[[The firey titan scowls furiously and refuses to speak with you.]]
[[He has nothing to say to you.]]