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Battlespire:Sumeer Jabran

< Battlespire: NPCs
Daedra Lord Sumeer Jabran

Sumeer Jabran is a Daedra Lord encountered in Level 2b: The High Halls and Librarium at Point L, and the leader of the Dremora there. He is generally friendly, and also looking for the missing pieces of the voidguide. You can ally with or agree to serve him, and in exchange he will let you teleport to the next level.

For more information on Sumeer Jabran, please see the following page.


Greeting [PCFemale]Edit

So. You're Kaid. You've made quite a nuisance of yourself. I hope you don't mind if I summon minions to rend you limb from limb?

Player Response Result
No, no, no. Go right ahead. Perfectly right. END &SumeerOpen
If you had a mother, I'm sure she'd be ashamed of your dreadful manners.* END HealthHalf AND PainSFX AND SummonVM_2 &SumeerMad
Do you suppose that being limbless might interfere with my ability to discuss delivery of a working voidguide? Reply 1

*This option may cause the game to crash.

Greeting [PCMale]Edit

So. You're Trenelle. You've made quite a nuisance of yourself. I hope you don't mind if I summon my minions to rend you limb from limb?

Player Response Result
No, no, no. Go right ahead. Perfectly right. END &SumeerOpen
If you had a mother, I'm sure she'd be ashamed of your dreadful manners.* END HealthHalf AND PainSFX AND SummonVM_2 &SumeerMad
Do you suppose that being limbless might interfere with my ability to discuss delivery of a working voidguide? Reply 1

*This option may cause the game to crash.

Greeting 2 [&SumeerOpen]Edit

You look familiar... but it's so hard to tell you humans apart.

Player Response Result
I'm the human who can get you the voidguide. Are you interested? Reply 2

Greeting 3 [&SumeerMad]Edit

You are fit only to speak with the half-witted beasts who serve me. Speak with them, if you please, but they speak only in the language of pain... a language I command, but do not understand.

Player Response Result
What is THAT supposed to mean? END HealthHalf AND PainSFX AND SummonVM_2

Greeting 4 [&SumeerAlly or &SumeerServe]Edit

Please place the assembled voidguide in the gate panel before us. When you have tested the voidguide and are confident that it functions properly, I anticipate receiving a personal report from your lips.

Player Response Result
As you wish, milord, so be it. END

Reply 1Edit

Not necessarily. I've kept heads running long after the other bits have been put to other uses. But I take your point. What do you propose?

Player Response Result
I think a fellow with my talents might go far in Tamriel with a little backing from the outerworlds. Just a word here and there, a little help with the arcane and mystical. Nothing formal. No binding contracts, no oaths of fealty -- just good neighbors with common interests. Reply 2
Look. It's nothing personal. I don't know a soul here on Battlespire. But I need out of here. If you will swear before the Great Powers, in front of witnesses, to grant me safe passage out of Battlespire and open the weir gate for me back to Tamriel, I'll give you the voidguide. Reply 3
You got the loot you want. I'll give you the voidguide, and you guys go back to the void. Where you belong. Nobody else gets hurt. Whattya say? Reply 5

Reply 2Edit

Only someone very foolish, or very sure of himself, would propose so casual an understanding with a High Lord of the Clans. Very well. Let us be friends. And in expectation of your generous gift of the voidguide, be so good as to accept a token of my esteem? Say, a sigil amulet of my clan?

Player Response Result
A generous gift, your Highness, but perhaps too public a statement. I decline the honor, though I do most earnestly thank you for your interest. Reply 6
I am sensible of the honor you do me. And by its sign shall others know where my loyalties lie. Reply 7

Reply 3Edit

Sorry. I can't open the weir gate. That's Dagon's sigil on the weir gate, and none may command it save with his leave. So you aren't going back. Ever. But here's what I can do. Seal yourself by oath in fealty to me, and I promise you shall never want for honor or respect in my service.

Player Response Result
Sure thing. I so swear. Now what? Reply 8
Thank you, but I am bound in service to the Emperor so long as I shall live. Reply 4

Reply 4Edit

Your loyalty to your lord does you credit. I regret that we find ourselves with irreconcilable conflicts. If circumstances dictate a review of loyalties, please approach me at that time.

Player Response Result
I take my leave, then, milord. END

Reply 5Edit

I'm afraid we have no intention of abandoning Battlespire. We are not particularly concerned about who will get hurt. There. Now, weren't we about to rend you limb from limb?

Player Response Result
Suit yourself. END &SumeerOpen

Reply 6Edit

I understand. Now I shall eagerly anticipate your delivery of the voidguide.

Player Response Result
I go in haste, milord. END &SumeerAlly

Reply 7Edit

It is completely as I wish. Now I shall eagerly anticipate your delivery of the voidguide.

Player Response Result
I go in haste, milord. END &SumeerAlly

Reply 8Edit

You will now deliver the voidguide, and set it in place. And you will remain here on the Battlespire in my service, assisting Clan Dremora in cataloguing its treasures.

Player Response Result
Ehr... that sounds swell, milord. I'll get right to work. END &SumeerServe
Ehr... remain on Battlespire? How long, milord? Reply 9

Reply 9Edit

So long as I should desire of course. And now, you are dismissed.

Player Response Result
Your Highness.... END &SumeerServe


  • The game files contain fragments of dialogue that are not used in-game. The placement of these fragments in the files may cause issues when selecting certain dialogue choices.


  • The game files describe Sumeer as a "superhero-looking chick". As he is neither of these things, it is likely this is a leftover from a copy-and-paste of Zenaida Nacarra's information.
  • Sumeer Jabran appears again in ESO, as Sumeer.