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Better Cities:Euan

< Mod / Oblivion: Better Cities: People
(RefID: xx00BC48)
Home City Leyawiin
Location Euan's House
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 8 Class Thief
RefID xx00BC48 BaseID xx008D97
Other Information
Health 170 Magicka 160
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Leyawiin; Thieves Guild 0(Pickpocket Pickpocket)

Euan is an Imperial thief who lives in Leyawiin.

He gets up at 6am every morning and eats breakfast, then goes for a walk around the harbour for a couple of hours. He returns home at 10am and spends the day reading a book; at 6pm, he heads over to The Drunken Donkey to drink until midnight, when he returns home and goes to bed.

Euan wears a burguny linen shirt and pants and thick cowhide shoes, and is armed with a silver dagger. He carries a copy of Beggar Prince, two bottles of port, some crude sugar, random food and drink, a moderate amount of gold, and a house key.

Euan's house is located south of the city. The main room is divided into two parts: Euan's living space is confined to one half (he has a bed and dining table with two stools), and an L-shaped bar replete with various kinds of alcohol sits in the other half. A room behind the bar is used for get-togethers; it has a low table and two benches, two bookcases, and a crate.

Aside from rumors, he has nothing to say.