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Better Cities:Kalvus Serpent

< Mod / Oblivion: Better Cities: People
Kalvus Serpent
(RefID: xx1781A3)
Home City Chorrol
Location Men's Public Bath House
Race Redguard Gender Male
Level PC-2 Class Commoner
RefID xx1781A3 BaseID xx019775
Other Information
Health 20 at PC1 Magicka 150 at PC1
Respons. 50 Aggress. 5
Faction(s) Chorrol Citizen
Kalvus at the bath

Kalvus Serpent is a Redguard commoner who lives in Chorrol.

Kalvus spends all his time in the Men's Public Bath House.

He has no clothing and no possessions.

Kalvus' greeting depends on your gender, and whether or not you're wearing clothes. If you're a woman who found her way into the men's bath, he says: "Whoa, what the hell is a woman doing in here?!" If you're a man who's clothed, he says: "Why in the world are you wearing all those clothes in a bath house? Aren't you boiling in all that?" If you have taken your clothes off, he says: "I should probably start getting ready to go to work... hmmm... maybe a few minutes more..."