The Talos Plaza District is one of the six inner city districts in the Imperial City. This is the district where many of the wealthiest people of the Imperial City live. Note the relatively grand houses and the beautiful fountain statue at Talos Plaza.
Map KeyEdit
- Dro'Lir's Grocery Shop
- Gladroon's House †
- Arien's House
- Kellon Beleg's House
- Pub 102 †
- Albuttian's House †
- Jonuni Secunia's House †
- Office of the Security Services for the Council of Elders †
- Mashagam Yagadbu's House †
- Barnaby Mitust's House †
- Robentie Fralinie's House †
- Ink and Text †
- Domasons' House †
- Surudu Cedus's House †
- Ulen Tablow's House †
- Seguri Conician's House †
- Irbran's †
- Tauriel's House
- Lace's House †
- Beata Vince's House †
- Sylori Lioria's House †
- Loredan's House
- Abcas' House †
- Ingrid's House †
- Ivon's House
- Imperial Service
- Government Archives
† On the upper level
Related QuestsEdit
- Gold Horse Imperial City Local Deliveries: Deliver local packages for the Gold Horse Courier Service.
Talos Plaza District PeopleEdit