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Beyond Skyrim:Cyrodiil/Eddvia Jucani

< Mod / Skyrim: Beyond Skyrim: Cyrodiil: People / Merchants
Eddvia Jucani
(RefID: xx002F1F)
Home City Bruma
House Jucani's House
Store Northern Arms
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 10 Class Blacksmith
RefID xx002F1F BaseID xx002F20
Available 8am-8pm every day
Gold 1000 (+500 Investor; +1000 Master Trader)
Sells See Northern Arms
Buys Blacksmith (Animal Hides, Armor, Arrows, Ore/Ingots, Tools, Weapons)
Other Information
Health 131 Magicka 68
Stamina 86
Primary Skills Block, One-handed, Smithing, Speech
Class Details VendorBlacksmith
Morality No Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Faction(s) CYRBrumaJucaniResidenceFaction; CYRCrimeFactionBruma; CYRJobBlacksmithFaction; CYRJobMerchantFaction; CYRServicesBrumaNorthernArms; CYRTownBrumaFaction
Eddvia Jucani.

Eddvia Jucani is an Imperial blacksmith apprenticing for Hulgard, the owner of Northern Arms in Bruma. She is a member of the influential Jucani family and lives with her father Albecius, mother Ruccia and brother Banus.

After waking up at 8am, she heads straight to the store and spends the next twelve hours behind the counter, buying and selling weapons, armor and crafting components. At 8pm, she sullenly heads back home for dinner and conversation with her family, before heading to bed at midnight. On Tirdas and Turdas, she will slip out of bed at 1am and stealthily head over to the store, where she will spend the next 6 hours abed with Hulgard, before sneaking back home.

She wears Colovian fine clothes and matching fine boots, and is armed with a steel sword. She also carries the keys to the store and her parent's house, a few tools of the trade (hammer and tongs) as well as a random selection of gold, lockpicks, gems, jewelry, food and drink.

Eddvia is very chatty, and will welcome you with a wealth of greetings: "Welcome. The name's Eddvia. I'm Hulgard's assistant.", "This here's Hulgard's shop, the Northern Arms. He works the forge, I make the shop work. ...Bad pun, sorry.", "Want to buy something? Sell? Either me or Hulgard can take care of that.", "Lots of people resent their work, but I enjoy it. Well, not the work itself, but the, err... "environment"." and "Bruma's as much a Nord city as anywhere in Skyrim. I don't mind it, myself. Guess I'm a bit of a Nord at heart."

If you ask her about herself, she will be confused: "About me? Not really much to tell." If you persuade her (Speech above 25) she will relent: "Well, err, okay. I, there's no easy way to put this, but... My family want me to marry this diplomat in the Imperial City. They say he's "charming and handsome and witty", but I know what they really mean. He's rich, and he's going to bring wealth to the family. Wealth and influence. But I don't want money, or power. I want someone I love. And he isn't it. Hulgard is, but, well... he's proven more than a little resistant. So far."

If you press her about the details of her relationship with her master, she will say: "Me and Hulgard? We're, umm... not quite engaged, but... we're...I..." If you ask whether she loves him, she admits: "I, err...well, yes. Why?" although when asked if he loves her, she stammers: "Yes. Yes, of course he does. Even if he doesn't know it yet." Indeed, if you ask Hulgard he remarks: "Eddvia? She's a fine lass and a good shop assistant. Girl can wear me out sometimes, though, with the endless compliments and flirting." Asking whether she's his wife, mistress or girlfriend will net you the following responses: "Haha... no.", "Hahaha... also no. Absolutely not." and finally "Hahaha, n- well, I mean- err... umm, err... Listen, stranger, I don't mean to be rude but my personal affairs are just that. You want to buy or sell?"


  • Eddvia and Ananril were meant to discuss love potions, but as the two will never cross paths you will never hear it:
Eddvia: "Ananril?"
Ananril: "Yes, my dear? What would you like to purchase?"
Eddvia: "Would you possibly be able to make a...a love potion?"
Ananril: "A love potion? As far as I'm aware, there's... no such thing. Even if I could make one, who would this be for? It couldn't possibly be your boss, now would it?"
Eddvia: "Ananril!"
Ananril: "Oh, Eddvia, your infatuation with him is clear to everyone. But is this really how you want to win his heart?"
Eddvia: "I...I guess not. Sorry to bother you."
Ananril: "Don't be discouraged. You just have to try intoxicating him another way. Without potions. Try winning his heart." ?


You may sometimes overhear Eddvia's awkward attempts at flirting in the store:

Eddvia: "Hey, Hulgard? Can I ask you something?"
Hulgard: "Yes, Eddvia? What is it?"
Eddvia: "Well, I just wanted to ask...I just was wondering if...if... ...if we had any extra leather strips? It's just, uh - we seem to be running out."
Hulgard: "Oh. Okay, well, I'm sure I saw some lying around the shop. I'll take a look. Anything else?"
Eddvia: "No. No, that's it."

You may also witness Eddvia, Hulgard and Ralgar Silver-Plow discussing business, as well as her and her parents locked in argument:

Eddvia: "Good to see you, Ralgar. What can I do for you today?"
Ralgar: "Eddvia. Hello. I came some time ago about repairing a bow of mine. Do you know what became of it?"
Eddvia: "No, but let me ask Hulgard. I sure he knows what happened to it."
Ralgar: "That's okay, child. I can ask him myself."

Ralgar: "Greetings, Hulgard. Dropped off my bow here for repair a while ago. You taken care of it?"
Hulgard: "Ah, yes. Sorry, Ralgar, it must have slipped my mind to bring it back to you. Here you go - restrung and everything."
Ralgar: "Not a problem - I'm just glad there weren't any issues. ...And, you know, for a blacksmith you're a damn good bowyer."
Hulgard: "I try to stay rounded."

Albecius: "Enough of this, Eddvia. You're letting your bullheadedness get the better of you. If only you'd see him again-"
Eddvia: "See him again?! You have to be kidding me! I've seen him already! He's an arrogant, cocky bastard that I want nothing to do with! You understand?! Nothing! I'd rather kiss Hermaeus Mora than that scamp Calius! Then again, that's what he is, isn't he? A writhing mass of tentacles and slime!"
Albecius: "Such vitriol, Eddvia! To think, I raised you to be such a nice, sweet..."
Ruccia: "Eddvia, dear, please, understand. Your father has the right of it. I agree with him. Calius is perfect for you."
Eddvia: "Perfect? And who are you to tell me that? Surely that's my decision?! It is for everyone else, but somehow not for me? Admit it. You just want me to marry him so you'll be able to share in his family's wealth and influence."
Albecius: "Eddvia, I..."
Eddvia: "Go on. Say it."
Albecius: "Enough of this. And enough causing a scene, too. We'll talk about it some more, later. And in private."