Neremus Agrecian (RefID: xx06D97E) |
Location | Cathedral of St. Martin | ||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Male |
Level | PC×0.75 (range=6-20) | Class | Priest |
RefID | xx06D97E | BaseID | xx003A1D |
Merchant | |||
Gold | Inventory gold (0 to 27, average of 14) | ||
Sells | See inventory | ||
Buys | Books, Clothes, Scrolls, Soul Gems | ||
Other Information | |||
Health | 50×? | Magicka | 50×? |
Stamina | 50×? | ||
Primary Skills | Restoration | ||
Perks | Adept Restoration, Apprentice Restoration, Novice Restoration, Restoration Dual Casting | ||
Class Details | Priest | ||
Morality | No Crime | Aggression | Unaggressive |
Faction(s) | CYRBrumaCathedralofStMartinFaction; CYRCrimeFactionBruma; CYRJobMerchantFaction; CYRJobPriestFaction; CYRServicesBrumaCathedralHealing; CYRServicesBrumaNeremusVendor; CYRTownBrumaFaction |
Neremus Agrecian is an Imperial priest who acts as the chief minister at the Cathedral of St. Martin in Bruma, assisted by his acolyte Harthir.
After waking up at 8am and consuming a quick breakfast in the chapel hall, Neremus can be found administering his duties and praying in the cathedral's main hall from 9am to 7pm. During this time he will offers his services, selling anything in his inventory and buying books, clothes, scrolls and soul gems. After dinner and relaxing in his quarters, he will head to bed at midnight.
Neremus wears a monk's red robes and a matching pair of boots. He carries copies of The Amulet of Kings, The Song of Pelinal, v5 and Trials of St. Alessia, as well as an elixir of the healer potion, the key to the cathedral, and a random selection of gold, lockpicks, rings, food and drink. While unarmed, he is able to cast the spells Fast Healing and Healing Hands.
Neremus will greet you warmly into this chapel:
- "Greetings, stranger. Have you come to learn the gospel of St. Martin?"
- "Ah, greetings, acolyte of Saint Martin. What brings you back to our humble chapel?"
After seeing you look puzzled, he will exclaim:
- "Yes, Saint Martin! Have you heard the tale of how Martin Septim ascended to sainthood? If not, perhaps that would be a good place to begin."
If you confirm he means Martin Septim, he will offer:
- "Yes, Martin Septim. Are you familiar with His story? Perhaps you would like to hear it?"
If you decline to hear the saint's story, he will instead press a copy of Scripture of Saint Martin, Volume 1 onto you:
- "No problem. Thank you for your time, and take this book on the life of Saint Martin in case you change your mind."
If you agree he will delightedly tell you:
- "Saint Martin had humble beginnings as a priest of Akatosh in the city of Kvatch. When Daedra overran the city during the Oblivion Crisis, Martin led the people to refuge in the chapel. The fabled Champion of Cyrodiil came to rescue Him, and told Him the shocking news that He was the son of the Emperor. This came as a surprise to Him, but gave Him new purpose after His home was destroyed. Along with the Champion and the Blades, Martin designed and executed a plan to undermine the efforts of Mankar Camoran and the Mythic Dawn cult.
- There was a great battle here in Bruma as the Great Gate was opened to secure an artifact of immense power for Martin's plan. Finally, the Champion, under Martin's guidance, slew Mankar Camoran, as the Imperial City came under a great Daedric siege. It appeared all was lost, but Martin shattered the Amulet of Kings in the Temple of the One, transforming into a huge, flaming Avatar of Akatosh. In this form He defeated the manifestation of Mehrunes Dagon in an epic, glorious duel. This broke the siege of the Imperial City, restored the ward between Tamriel and Oblivion, and ended the Oblivion Crisis."
When first entering Bruma, you will come across Neremus and Thalmor Justiciar Armion on the steps of the Cathedral, locked in argument about whether the worship of Saint Martin contravenes the White-Gold Concordat:
Neremus: "If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. The Chapel of St. Martin does not violate the terms of the White-Gold Concordat. There is no Talos worship going on here."
Armion: "It violates the spirit of the White-Gold Concordat. I must urge you to cease and desist at once."
Neremus: "Oh? What is the spirit of the White-Gold Concordat?"
Armion: "The spirit of the White-Gold Concordat is that men are not, and can never be, gods. Just as Tiber Septim is not a god, nor is Martin Septim."
Neremus: "But what does the Concordat actually say?"
Armion: "The Concordat forbids Talos worship."
Neremus: "No mention of Martin Septim worship, though?"
Armion: "I... no, there isn't. I must consult with my superiors. Perhaps we will have to petition for a slight amendment to some... unfortunately specific wording within the Concordat. We will keep our eyes on your little cult, however."
Neremus can also be overheard marveling at his acolyte's dutifulness:
Neremus: "Oh, there you are."
Harthir: "Priest Neremus! I'm sorry, I didn't know you were looking for me."
Neremus: "That's alright, Initiate. I just wanted to ask - how are you faring with your duties?"
Harthir: "Well, for today, I tidied up the undercroft, prepared the shrines for Sundas service, scrubbed the floors..."
Neremus: "Indeed? That's remarkable. I don't even remember asking you the last one."
Harthir: "I aim to please, Priest Neremus. Both you and St. Martin."
Neremus: "Well, you certainly are the most devoted acolyte I've ever seen. I'm sure St. Martin appreciates your service as much as I. Carry on."
- Neremus's merchant chest contains potions (Cure Poison, Cure Disease, Fortify Health, Restore Health) and Restoration spell tomes, but he will only have his inventory available for sale. He was also meant to have 500 gold (+1000 with the Master Trader perk), but instead only has whatever amount he has in his inventory. ?
- Neremus was meant to have a conversation with Eranir about the latter's sins, but will never get a chance as the Bosmer never visits the Cathedral:
- Eranir: "Priest Neremus?"
- Neremus: "Yes? What is it, my child?"
- Eranir: "Saint Martin was not a good man to start with, correct?"
- Neremus: "Well, no, he was part of a Daedric cult in his youth, but he overcame that...why do ask?"
- Eranir: "I just...want to know if the Divines above are forgiving. Of - of bad men."
- Neremus: "...Oh. are not a bad man. And whatever wrongs you think you have committed, I'm sure you will find forgiveness for them in the eyes of the gods."
- Eranir: "You don't know me. I'm a killer, Imperial. Nothing more."
- Neremus: "I know you won't believe me, but you're wrong, Eranir. I know that, and so do the gods." ?
- Similarly, Neremus was meant to deliver the following passionate sermon in the slums outside the city walls, but will never venture there.
- Neremus: "All you who be poor and destitute, hungry and tired, weary and beaten, know that there is yet hope! Just as Martin Septim ascended to sainthood, so too can you rise from the ashes of your poverty! Believe in Martin Septim and be cleansed of your sorrow!"
- Arilus Quenti: "I'd love to believe you, but look at me. I'm at rock bottom. The Empire's dying, and we're all suffering the brunt of it."
- Neremus: "Child, have faith! Come to the chapel, and pray."
- Ja'malgo: "You want to help this one? Give Ja'malgo some septims, not your sanctimonious diatribe."
- Neremus: "I... I apologize, child, if I offended you. Here, have a few septims. The Chapel of Saint Martin is nothing if not generous." ?