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Blades:Goblins United

< Blades: Quests: Goblin Scourge
Goblin Scourge Questline
Investigate a goblin stronghold.
Rarity: Uncommon
Quest Giver: Gaius Platorius
Location(s): Fort
Prerequisite Quest: The Red and the White and The Missing Scroll
Next Quest: A Fragile Alliance
Reward(s): Silver Chest
XP: 200
ID: GS03
BL-icon-Secret.png Secret Areas: 2
Goblin tribes pledge allegiance to a shaman
The Imperial Envoy wants me to do some reconnaissance work near a known goblin stronghold, to see if rumors of a truce among goblin clans is true.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Verify goblin truce rumors;
  2. Find the Red Fang banner;
  3. Find the White Ghost banner;
  4. Find the Iron Skull banner.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Starting OffEdit

To begin this quest speak to Gaius Platorius:

"Hello again, warrior. I've got a treat for you."
Is it more goblins?
"I have found out where the goblins have been hiding out. A stronghold downriver from here. Care to storm the stronghold?"
By myself?
"What's this? <name>, terror of bandits, scourge of the undead... scared of a mere goblin hideout?"
How about you storm the stronghold?
"Ahem. Your point is taken. At any rate, the aim is to scout, not massacre.
Go in, and bring back some proof that the goblins are conspiring. Hopefully, you won't find any."
Simple enough. I'm in.
"Wonderful! I knew I could count on you. Come see me as soon as you're done. One more thing! If there are multiple tribes involved, steal their banners. I'm certain they'll be useful. At least it will light a fire under the Empire's throne to send us some help."

As you start the quest, you will begin in (?)

Returning to TownEdit

Once you return to Town, you will have to report to Gaius:

"How did it go?"
They are allied under some leader.
"Divines, help us. How do you know?"
They were swearing an oath to a shaman.
"A shaman? We might be in trouble. Damn! How many tribes were there?"
Three, and I have their banners.
"Oh, well that's good. The Empire can't ignore us with this evidence."
I can think of a better use for them.
"You can? I'm all ears."
I'll plant one at the site of a massacre.
"I see... pit them against each other. They're so dim, it might just work.
We have to find a group of goblins from a single tribe. I'll start looking. In the meantime, well done!"


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