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Blades:Llavelea Nelvani

< Blades: NPCs
Llavelea Nelvani
Location Town
Race Dark Elf
Gender Female
Llavelea Nelvani

Llavelea Nelvani is a Dark Elf who resides in Town. She is the wife of Brals.

Related QuestsEdit

  • Vilified: Investigate a Dunmer accused of murder.
  • Villains: Take out the gang that framed Brals and threatened his family.

Quest-Related EventsEdit


"Hello! Are you the champion of this town?"
I am.
"Thank goodness! I need your help. It's my husband, Brals."
What do you want?

Either will lead to:

"Oh, um, well, you see... It's my husband, Brals. He's wanted for murder, but... I swear he's innocent! Please, you must clear his name!"
Okay, I'll help.
"Oh, thank you. Thank you! You must talk to him, so I'll show you where he's hiding... when you're ready."
That's not really what I do.
"Oh... really? People told me you are, um... righteous and all that. He really is innocent!"
How do you know?
"We've been married for a hundred and twenty years. He is not a murderer!"
Go ask someone else.
"I have asked everyone else... please? I'll give you everything we have!"
"Oh... oh, no... What will I do now?"

If spoken to again if you refused to help:

"Please, Warrior, consider speaking to my husband. Then you can decide whether you will help!"

If spoken to again if you offered to help:

"Can we go soon? I don't want anyone to find where he's hiding..."


If spoken to in town before the quest is complete:

"Please let me know as soon as you deal with those bastards. I want my husband back..."

Once the quest is complete:

"Thank you so much, Warrior. I knew Brals' past would catch up with him some day... Now I feel like it's really behind us."


After her related quests are complete when spoken to she will only say:

"I was so scared..."