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Blades:Silk Farmer

< Blades: NPCs
Silk Farmer
Location Spider Silk Farm
Race Nord
Gender Varies
A silk farmer

Silk Farmers are encountered during Silk Farm Hunt.


"You're the champion sent by Sirfing, aren't you? I'm so relieved!"
"I knew something like this would happen, but did anyone listen to me? No, of course not!"

Once the Web Mother has been killed:

"Thank you! I'm so glad it's over..."
"Nice job. You're strong!"

The silk farmer found in the mine:

"By the Nine, I never thought I'd see another friendly face. How did you get in here?
No, don't answer that. I can see your weapon. Who are you?"
Name's <name>, I'm here to help.
"To help me? What a relief!"
I was hired to take care of some spiders.
"Oh, great! The guards couldn't handle them."
"I've been stranded here a while. Over there, the spiders are running wild, and behind me... well..."
What's behind you?
"Trouble. But only if you go down there. She's too big to go very far. Stay up here and you'll be fine."

If spoken to again:

"Wait, you're not thinking of going down there, are you? I hope you're stronger than you look..."

If spoken to again after the Web Mother has been killed:

"She is amazing, isn't she? Going to be hard to replace."