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Books:The Elder Scrolls Online: The Official Survival Guide to Tamriel

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BK-cover-The Elder Scrolls- The Official Survival Guide to Tamriel.jpg
Release Date March 26, 2024
Setting Tamriel
Time Period Ca. 2E 582
Author(s) Tori Schafer
Publisher Insight Editions
ISBN 978-164722-520-9

979-8-88663-112-8 (Ebook)

Pages 176

245 (Ebook)

The Elder Scrolls Online: The Official Survival Guide to Tamriel is a book written by Tori Schafer and illustrated by Erika Hollice. It was published by Insight Editions on March 26, 2024

About the BookEdit

"Beware, walker. The lands of Tamriel shift more than the phases of the Moons, and so, too, shifts its danger. If you wish to survive, heed the magnificent words of wise Ja'dasha." — Ja'dasha of Pellitine

Flesh-freezing cold. Skin-singing heat. Stormy seas, toxic swamps, thunderous volcanoes, endless forests... not to mention cannibalistic wood elves, short-tempered mages, and lethal Daedric cults! What's a smart traveler to do to stay alive? The answers lie within these pages, traveler, where famed explorer Ja'dasha of Pellitine dispenses advice that could save your life, including:

· How to survive harsh environments, from the frozen clime of Skyrim to the insect-infested Black Marsh.

· Advice for escaping thieves, kidnappers, and even dreaded Daedric realms!

· How to recover from countless magical and mundane dangers, from sea sickness to elemental magic.

· Coping tips for dealing with Argonians, Orcs, Khajiit, Bosmer, Great Houses, and other Tamriel denizens.

Long treasured by Tamriel natives, and now available for the first time beyond the planet of Nirn, The Official Survival Guide to Tamriel is an extraordinary addition to your bookshelf or game library. And the advice might even help you escape peril in the real world!


The book, as the title implies, is a guidebook that gives tips for survival - not only on how to avoid danger and stay alive when encountering it, but also giving some information on some of the cultures and factions of Tamriel in case the reader comes into contact with them.


Ja'dasha of Pellitine — The author of the book, a female Cathay Khajiit of the Baandari Pedlars.
"No-Tail" Ta'dashi — One of Ja'dasha's uncles, who lost his tail to frostbite.
Urza — An Orc woman Ja'dasha met in Summerset after both having been denied lodging. She shared her knowledge of camping in the wilderness with Ja'dasha.


The Proper Supplies
Clash with the Cold
Meeting a Bear
Surviving the Heat
Sea Travel
Wound Care
Be Wary of Thieves
Surviving an Abduction
How to Survive a Plunge from a Waterfall
A Guide to Furstocks
Black Marsh
Dangers of the Marsh
Black Marsh Wildlife
What are the Hist?
The Great Houses
Avoiding (Legal) Assassinations
Volcano Safety
The Tribunal
High Rock
Finding your Direction
Horse Riding
The Orcs
The Green Pact
Meat on the Menu
Water Worries
Summerset Isle
Magic and Mages
Recovering from Magical Attacks
The Fundamentals of Camping
The Daedric Planes
A Primer on Daedric Princes
Daedric Cults
Farewell and Safe Travels
About the Author
About the Illustrator



  • Despite being an Elder Scrolls Online product, set in the Second Era, the term "septims" is repeatedly used for currency, which wouldn't be used until the rule of Tiber Septim in the Third Era.
  • The Elsweyr section makes some minor conflation between furstocks, such as describing both types of Ohmes Khajiit as furless and having tails, when only the Ohmes are furless, and only the Ohmes-raht have tails.
  • The Elsweyr section suggests that Abah's Landing is located in Elsweyr as opposed to Hammerfell, as a rumour claims the Thieves Guild made its home there because of skilled Khajiit thieves.
  • The Black Marsh section states Argonian Behemoths cannot speak, when in fact several unique Behemoths in ESO have unique dialogue.
  • The High Rock section features a map of Craglorn, which is a region of Hammerfell.
