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< Castles: Special Subjects
Race Nord
Gender Female
Initial Age 18
Health Health (?)
Magicka Magicka (?)
Stamina Stamina (?)
Trait(s) Enduring, Mechanic, Perceptive, Haunted, Reckless

Katria is a legendary Nord subject. She comes equipped with Zephyr and Earthsong Mail.

She has the status of Legendary Archer.

Official DescriptionEdit

Katria, a Nord adventurer and owner of the legendary bow Zephyr, uncovered the secrets of the Aetherium Forge. Tragically, her quest ended in her untimely death, but her spirit endures…



With Epic equipmentEdit

Occasionally, a copy of Subject with generic Epic equipment may appear as part of a temporary bundle in the Store for 1400  .