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< Castles:Rulings
My dear cousin, we hardly see each other lately. I would like us to be friends again, like when we were kids.[up]

Min. Recurrence Time: 3 hours
Dynasty Level >= 11
Ruling Requester Traits include all of: not Heartless
Ruling Requester Any of: relationship to Ruler is Cousin
Ruling Requester All of: relationship to Ruler is not Friend, relationship to Ruler is not Lover, relationship to Ruler is not Enemy
Random Weight: 25

We will feast in honor of family and friendship!

Ruler Traits include any of: Tribal
Food >= 34%
Allow Costs to Reduce to Inventory Amount: Yes

We cannot give the impression of playing favorites. or

Our relationship should remain as it is. or
We are flattered, but must remain neutral. or
So sorry cousin, we are just very busy at this time.

Our friendship is worth more than words. Pay up. or

Surely our friendship is worth something, <Requester's First Name>? or
Perhaps a little gift would facilitate our friendship. or
Surely our friendship is worth something, cousin.


Ruler Traits include all of: not Tribal


+350 CT-icon-resource-Gold.png
Requester dislikes that. CT-icon-happiness-Angry.png

We would be honored to count you as a friend. or

Of course we accept you as a friend, <Requester's First Name>. or
We are glad to count you as a friend. or
Cousin, we have always been friends.