This category contains all creature cards in The Elder Scrolls: Legends.
This category has the following 90 subcategories, out of 90 total.
Pages in category "Legends-Cards-Creature"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,053 total.
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- Legends:Abecean Navigator
- Legends:Abnur Tharn
- Legends:Abomination
- Legends:Acolyte of Boethiah
- Legends:Adoring Fan
- Legends:Aela the Huntress (Nord)
- Legends:Aela the Huntress (Werewolf)
- Legends:Aela's Huntmate (Nord)
- Legends:Aela's Huntmate (Werewolf)
- Legends:Afflicted Alit
- Legends:Ageless Automaton
- Legends:Ageless Vampire
- Legends:Agent of Mehrunes Dagon
- Legends:Aggressive Spider
- Legends:Ahnassi
- Legends:Ald Velothi Assassin
- Legends:Ald'ruhn Arms Master
- Legends:Aldmeri Patriot
- Legends:Aldmeri Spellwright
- Legends:Aldora the Daring
- Legends:Alduin
- Legends:Alfe Fyr
- Legends:Alfiq Conjurer
- Legends:Alfiq Illusionist
- Legends:Alik'r Bandit
- Legends:Alik'r Survivalist
- Legends:Allena Benoch
- Legends:Almalexia
- Legends:Almalexia's Disciple
- Legends:Alpha Wolf
- Legends:Altmer Dragonknight
- Legends:Altmer Flameslinger
- Legends:Altmer Protector
- Legends:Ambitious Hireling
- Legends:An-Xileel Invader
- Legends:Ancano
- Legends:Ancestral Dead
- Legends:Ancient Giant
- Legends:Ancient Lookout
- Legends:Angry Grahl
- Legends:Angry Villager
- Legends:Apex Predator
- Legends:Apex Wolf
- Legends:Apprentice Necromancer
- Legends:Arcanaeum Librarian
- Legends:Archcanon Saryoni
- Legends:Archein Elite
- Legends:Archein Guerrilla
- Legends:Archein Venomtongue
- Legends:Arenthia Guerrilla
- Legends:Arenthia Swindler
- Legends:Argonian Recruit
- Legends:Argonian Veteran
- Legends:Armored Troll
- Legends:Artaeum Savant
- Legends:Ascended Sleeper
- Legends:Ash Berserker
- Legends:Ash Oppressor
- Legends:Ash Piercer
- Legends:Ash Servant
- Legends:Ashlander Punisher
- Legends:Ashlander Zealot
- Legends:Aspect of Hircine
- Legends:Assassin Beetle
- Legends:Assembled Conduit
- Legends:Assembled Sanitizer
- Legends:Assembled Sentry
- Legends:Assembled Titan
- Legends:Astrid
- Legends:Attuned Dremora
- Legends:Aundae Clan Sorcerer
- Legends:Auridon Paladin
- Legends:Auroran Sentry
- Legends:Avatar of Akatosh
- Legends:Awakened Dreamer
- Legends:Awakened Imperfect
- Legends:Ayleid Guardian
- Legends:Ayrenn
- Legends:Ayrenn, Dominion Queen
- Legends:Baandari Bruiser
- Legends:Baandari Opportunist
- Legends:Baandari Outlaw
- Legends:Back-Alley Footpad
- Legends:Back-Alley Rogue
- Legends:Bal Isra Warrider
- Legends:Baliwog
- Legends:Baliwog Tidecrawlers
- Legends:Balmora Captain
- Legends:Balmora Puppeteer
- Legends:Balmora Spymaster
- Legends:Bandit Ringleader
- Legends:Bangkorai Butcher
- Legends:Barbas
- Legends:Barded Guar
- Legends:Baron Navir
- Legends:Baron of Tear
- Legends:Barrow Stalker
- Legends:Battlefield Scrounger
- Legends:Battlerage Orc
- Legends:Battlereeve of Dusk
- Legends:Bedeviling Scamp
- Legends:Belligerent Giant
- Legends:Beloved Squealer
- Legends:Berne Clan Nightstalker
- Legends:Berserker of the Pale
- Legends:Betty Netch
- Legends:Beyte Fyr
- Legends:Bishop of the Hour
- Legends:Bitterfish Witch
- Legends:The Black Dragon
- Legends:Black Hand Messenger
- Legends:Black Marsh Centurion
- Legends:Black Marsh Prodigy
- Legends:Black Marsh Warden
- Legends:Black Worm Necromancer
- Legends:Black Worm Neophyte
- Legends:Blackreach Rebuilder
- Legends:Blackrose Herbalist
- Legends:Blacksap Protector
- Legends:Blackwood Alchemist
- Legends:Blackwood Distiller
- Legends:Blackwood Hoodlum
- Legends:Blades Defender
- Legends:Blades Flanker
- Legends:Blades Guardian
- Legends:Blades Lookout
- Legends:Blades Stalwart
- Legends:Blastbones
- Legends:Bleakcoast Troll
- Legends:Blighted Alit
- Legends:Blighted Werebat
- Legends:Blind Moth Priest
- Legends:Blood Dragon
- Legends:Blood Magic Lord
- Legends:Blood Pact Messenger
- Legends:Blood Sorceress
- Legends:Blood-Crazed Daedroth
- Legends:Bloodline Outcast
- Legends:Bloody Hand Chef
- Legends:Blue Grummite
- Legends:Blueclaw Matron
- Legends:Boethiah Cultist
- Legends:Bog Lurcher
- Legends:Bolvyn Venim
- Legends:Bone Colossus
- Legends:Bonewalker
- Legends:Boneweaver
- Legends:Brass Arquebus
- Legends:Brassilisk
- Legends:Brellach Commander
- Legends:Breton Conjurer
- Legends:Bringer of Nightmares
- Legends:Brotherhood Assassin
- Legends:Brotherhood Slayer
- Legends:Brotherhood Suspect
- Legends:Brotherhood Vampire
- Legends:Bruma Armorer
- Legends:Bruma Oppressor
- Legends:Bruma Profiteer
- Legends:Brutal Ashlander
- Legends:Brynjolf
- Legends:Bull Netch
- Legends:Cadwell the Betrayer
- Legends:Cadwell the Soul Shriven
- Legends:Cadwell the Soul Shriven-Cadwell the Betrayer
- Legends:Caius Cosades
- Legends:Camlorn Adventurer
- Legends:Camlorn Hero
- Legends:Camlorn Sentinel
- Legends:Camonna Tong Heavy
- Legends:Camoran Scout Leader
- Legends:Candlehearth Brawler
- Legends:Captive Swims-at-Night
- Legends:Caravan Enforcer
- Legends:Cartel Arcanist
- Legends:Cartel Bruiser
- Legends:Cathay Novice
- Legends:Cathay-raht
- Legends:Cathay-raht Veteran
- Legends:Cauldron Keeper
- Legends:Cave Bear
- Legends:Cave Grahl
- Legends:Cavern Spinner
- Legends:Champion of the Arena
- Legends:Chanter of Akatosh
- Legends:Chaurus
- Legends:Chaurus Reaper
- Legends:Cheesemancer
- Legends:Cheydinhal Conscript
- Legends:Cheydinhal Sapper
- Legends:Chicken
- Legends:Child of Hircine
- Legends:Cicero the Betrayer
- Legends:Circle Initiate (Nord)
- Legends:Circle Initiate (Werewolf)
- Legends:City Gates (card)
- Legends:City Guard
- Legends:Clannfear Runt
- Legends:Cleric of Kyne
- Legends:Cliff Hunter