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DFU Mod:Daggerfall Enemy Expansion/Mountain Lion

< Mod / Daggerfall: Daggerfall Mod: Daggerfall Unity: Mods: Daggerfall Enemy Expansion: Bestiary
Mountain Lion
DFUEX-creature-Mountain Lion.gif
Level: 8
HP: 16-66
AC: 3
Damage: 5-15
Spell Points: 0
Strength: 70 Intelligence: 30
Willpower: 35 Agility: 90
Endurance: 65 Personality: 60
Speed: 75 Luck: 50
Dev. data
Enemy Id 280

The mountain lion is a feral predator commonly found in the hills of High Rock and the Imperial province. Many inexperienced travelers have ended up as a meal for ravenous felines.


  • None


  • None

Fighting StrategiesEdit

While mountain lions don't have any special abilities, they're still some of the most dangerous mundane animals out there. Don't underestimate them.