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Daggerfall:A Rare Ingredient

< Daggerfall: Quests: Nobles
Pick up a rare ingredient for a noble.
Location(s): Any Noble
Reward: A gem
Reputation Gain: see Reputation Gain/Loss
ID: r0c10y20
Required Reputation: 10 reputation or more
Difficulty: Easy
Deliver a turquoise to an alchemist

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to a Noble.
  2. Head to the town where the alchemist is located.
  3. Give the turquoise to the alchemist.
  4. In return, get the ingredient the noble wants.
  5. Return the ingredient to the noble within the time limit for your reward.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Alchemist's shop
The alchemist preparing an experiment

Experimental NeedsEdit

Speak to a noble, who says:

"How would you like to have a lovely (gem) from my treasury, (player's first name)? My alchemist has ordered a very rare ingredient he needs for an important experiment and we need someone to pick it up. Do you think you could handle that, (player's first name)?"


The noble goes on:

"Excellent, (player's first name), I knew you would be game. Take this turquoise down to (alchemist's shop) in (town). There's a (alchemist's description) there by the name of (alchemist's name). Ask (him/her) to give you the (ingredient) (he/she)'s brought up from the south. Make sure you're there and back in (time limit) days. All righty then, (player's first name). I'm relying on you. Don't make me regret it."


The noble answers:

"Well, that's odd. You might try not to have such a mercenary's heart, (player's first name)."

Alchemical NecessitiesEdit

This quest is a simple delivery for the noble, you will encounter no enemies on your way. Travel to the city where the alchemist resides and find their shop. Enter it and deliver the turquoise, and the alchemist will say:

"And you must be (player's first name), sent by (noble's name), yes? Well, here's that (ingredient) (he/she) wanted. You better hurry back with it -- (his/her) alchemist has very strong feeling about the freshness of ingredients. Misplaced, of course. (Ingredient) doesn't spoil. Still, you know what they say about one man's poison ... Now hurry along."

The alchemist gives you an ingredient in return. Bring the ingredient back to the noble within the time limit to collect your reward.


Upon delivering the ingredient, the noble will say to you:

"Good timing, (player's first name). My alchemist will be so pleased -- it is a most excellent (ingredient). As I promised, here is your (gem). Pretty, isn't it?"

Reputation Gain/LossEdit

A successfully completed quest results in a reputation gain according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Noble you got the quest from +5
Noble's associated factions +2

If you don't return with the ingredient in time, you will lose reputation according to the table below.

Faction/Person Reputation Gain
Noble you got the quest from -22
Noble's associated factions -11
Oblivion and all associated Daedra Princes +1
Sheogorath -1
The Night Mother +1
The Dark Brotherhood and its associated factions +1
Ebonarm -1
The Order of Arkay and its associated factions -1
The Benevolence of Mara and its associated factions -1
The Akatosh Chantry and its associated factions -1
The School of Julianos and its associated factions +1
The House of Dibella and its associated factions -1
The Temple of Stendarr and its associated factions +1
The Mages Guild and its associated factions -1
The Thieves Guild and its associated factions +1
Random Ruler -1
Daggerfall and its associated factions -1
Sentinel and its associated factions -1
Wayrest and its associated factions -1
The King of Worms and The Necromancers -1
The Underking and his Agents -1
Orsinium and its associated factions -1
The Glenmoril Witches -1
The Dust Witches +1
The Daughters of Wroth +1
The Witches of the Marsh +1
The Beldama +1
The Tide Witches +1
The Merchants -1
The Bards -1
The Prostitutes -1
Wrothgarian Mountains and its associated factions +1

(Allies/Enemies affiliations for listed factions are not considered.)


  • None


  • If you keep the turquoise or the ingredient, it will remain in your inventory and won't vanish once the quest is over, as is usually the case for quest items.

Additional DialogueEdit

After you have accepted this quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:

  • "(Noble's name)'s alchemist once refused a chip of ebonium -- it wasn't "fresh"."
  • "(Noble's name)'s alchemist always requires very fresh elements. Don't know why."

If you fail the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:

  • "(Noble's name) is having trouble with (his/her) alchemist. Very temperamental, I hear."
  • "A whole batch of (noble's name)'s alchemist's potions had to be thrown away."

If you successfully complete the quest, NPCs may say when asked for any news:

  • "Really strange smells coming out of (noble's name)'s palace lately, you notice?"
  • "I saw this puff of red smoke rise out of (noble's name)'s palace like a bird."

If you successfully complete the quest, the quest giver may later greet you with:

  • "Don't think for a minute I've forgotten you, (player's first name). How are you, friend?"
  • "My alchemist wanted to thank you personally, (player's first name), but he's busy. How are you?"

If you failed the quest, the quest giver will greet you with:

  • "If my alchemist were here, he'd demand the (ingredient) you were to retrieve, and then brain you with it. But, as it is, consider this a warning. Do not fail me in the future, should I need your services. That is all."

Quest LogEdit

A Rare Ingredient (r0c10y20)
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
0 (Date): I will be given a (random gold) by (noble's name) of (palace), (town), if I get a fresh (ingredient) for (him/her) from (alchemist's name) in (time limit) days or less. (Alchemist's name) is in (alchemist's shop) in (town).