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< Daggerfall: Skills

Whenever you approach a creature and enter its detection range, your Stealth skill is automatically checked to determine whether the creature successfully detects you and (if hostile) engages you in active combat. In addition to your Stealth skill value, other factors affect your chance of successfully avoiding the creature's detection, including the creature's Stealth skill, your distance from and location in relation to the creature, and your movement speed. If the creature has initially seen and/or heard you, leaving the creature's sight and hearing range and then moving more slowly - i.e. by crouching or sneaking instead of walking or running - will enable you to continue to attempt to avoid their detection search until they give up after 8 hours have elapsed, while walking or running will result in detection by the creature. On the other hand, if the creature has not yet seen or heard you, you may continue to attempt to avoid detection while moving at any speed.

Stealth's governing attribute is Agility.


"Stealth is a skill which allows one to avoid the attention of a hostile creature. It is automatically checked at every encounter."


The following classes have Stealth as a skill:

  • Minor Skill
    • None

