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Legends:Solo Arena/Frostforce

< Legends: Solo Arena: Opponents
The Deflector
LG-arena-Breton 3.png
Class IntelligenceEndurance Sorcerer
Elo 1800
Theme Ward
Prophecies Prophecy None
Attributes Intelligence 17Endurance 10Dual Attribute 3
Rarity Common 13Rare 9Epic 7Legendary 1

Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
2 Intelligence Lesser Ward Action 0 1Common Common Give a creature a Ward.
2 Endurance Deadly Draugr Creature (Skeleton) 1 1 1 1Common Common Lethal
2 Intelligence Firebolt Action 1 1Common Common Deal 2 damage to a creature.
2 Endurance Iliac Sorcerer Creature (Breton) 1 1 1 3Epic Epic Ward
When Iliac Sorcerer's Ward is broken, double his power.
1 Endurance Daedric Dagger Item 2 1Common Common Lethal
1 Endurance Elixir of Vigor Support 2 2Rare Rare Uses: 3
Activate: Give a creature +0/+1.
2 Endurance Enchanted Plate Item 2 1Common Common +0/+3
Summon: Draw a card.
2 Intelligence Evermore Steward Creature (Breton) 2 1 1 2Rare Rare Guard, Ward
2 Intelligence Wardcrafter Creature (Breton) 2 2 1 2Rare Rare Summon: Give a creature a Ward.
2 Endurance Wind Keep Spellsword Creature (Breton) 2 2 2 1Common Common Ward
2 Intelligence Breton Conjurer Creature (Breton) 4 1 1 3Epic Epic Ward
When Breton Conjurer's Ward is broken, summon a 5/5 Frost Atronach with Guard.
2 Intelligence Tome of Alteration Item 4 1Common Common +2/+2
Summon: Draw a card.
2 Intelligence Elixir of Deflection Support 5 2Rare Rare Uses: 3
Activate: Give a creature a Ward.
2 Intelligence Glenumbra Sorceress Creature (Breton) 5 5 1 2Rare Rare Ward
2 IntelligenceEndurance Shornhelm Champion Creature (Breton) 5 3 3 3Epic Epic Breakthrough, Ward
When Shornhelm Champion's Ward is broken, he gains +3/+3.
1 IntelligenceEndurance High King Emeric Creature (Breton) 6 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Ward
Summon: Deal 2 damage for each friendly creature with a Ward.
1 Intelligence Ice Storm Action 6 3Epic Epic Deal 3 damage to all creatures.