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Legends:Solo Arena/Namira's Blessed

< Legends: Solo Arena: Opponents
Namira's Blessed
The Healer
LG-arena-Khajiit 2.png
Class WillpowerAgility Monk
Elo 1900
Theme Health Gain
Prophecies Prophecy 1x Healing Potion, 1x Knight of the Hour, 2x Moonlight Werebat, 2x Piercing Javelin, 2x Priest of the Moons, 2x Ransack
Attributes Willpower 15Agility 13Dual Attribute 2
Rarity Common 11Rare 5Epic 8Legendary 6

Deck List
Quantity Attributes Name Type (Subtype) Magicka Power Health Rarity Ability
1 Willpower Execute Action 1 1Common Common Destroy a creature with 2 power or less.
2 Agility Palace Prowler Creature (Khajiit) 1 1 1 1Common Common Drain
Pilfer: Gain 1 magicka this turn.
1 Agility Voracious Spriggan Creature (Spriggan) 1 2 1 1Common Common Drain
2 Willpower Bruma Profiteer Creature (Imperial) 2 3 2 2Rare Rare When you summon another creature, you gain 1 health.
1 Willpower Healing Potion Prophecy Action 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Gain 5 health.
1 Agility Leafwater Blessing Action 2 3Epic Epic Give a creature +1/+1.
When you gain health, draw Leafwater Blessing from your discard pile.
2 Willpower Priest of the Moons Prophecy Creature (Khajiit) 2 2 2 1Common Common Prophecy
Summon: You gain 2 health.
1 Willpower Dawnstar Healer Creature (Nord) 3 3 3 3Epic Epic After an enemy rune is destroyed, you gain 3 health.
1 Agility Giant Bat Creature (Beast) 3 2 2 1Common Common Charge, Drain
1 Agility House Kinsman Creature (Dark Elf) 3 3 2 3Epic Epic Last Gasp: Deal 3 damage to your opponent and gain 3 health.
1 Willpower Dawnbreaker Item 4 4Legendary Legendary +4/+4
Slay: Banish the slain creature if it's Undead.
1 Willpower Hive Defender Creature (Kwama) 4 3 6 2Rare Rare Guard
2 Agility Moonlight Werebat Prophecy Creature (Beast) 4 4 2 3Epic Epic Prophecy, Drain
1 Agility Brynjolf Creature (Nord) 5 4 5 4Legendary Legendary Drain
When a friendly creature Pilfers or Drains, gain 1 magicka this turn.
1 Willpower Dagi-raht Mystic Creature (Khajiit) 5 4 5 3Epic Epic Pilfer: Draw a random support from your deck.
1 Willpower Knight of the Hour Prophecy Creature (Imperial) 5 3 3 1Common Common Prophecy, Guard
Summon: You gain 3 health.
2 Willpower Piercing Javelin Prophecy Action 5 1Common Common Prophecy
Destroy a creature.
2 WillpowerAgility Protector of the Mane Creature (Khajiit) 5 4 4 3Epic Epic Drain, Guard
When you gain health, Protector of the Mane gains +1/+1.
1 Agility Quin'rawl Burglar Creature (Khajiit) 6 4 4 4Legendary Legendary Drain
Pilfer: +4/+4
2 Agility Ransack Prophecy Action 6 2Rare Rare Prophecy
Deal 3 damage and gain 3 health.
1 Willpower Undying Dragon Creature (Dragon) 6 5 5 4Legendary Legendary Drain
+5/+5 while you have 30 or more health.
1 Agility Ring of Namira Support 7 4Legendary Legendary Ongoing
When you gain health, deal that much damage to your opponent.
1 Willpower Auroran Sentry Creature (Daedra) 8 5 7 4Legendary Legendary Guard
When Auroran Sentry is dealt damage, you gain that much health.