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Legends:Strategist's Map

< Legends: Cards
Strategist's Map
LG-card-Strategist's Map.png
Deck code ID sY
Card Set LG-icon-Alliance War.png Alliance War
Magicka Cost LG-icon-Magicka.png3
Attribute Willpower Willpower
Rarity Rare Rare
Uses: 3
Activate: Summon a 0/1 Target with Guard for you or your opponent.

Strategist's Map is a rare Willpower support card. It is available as part of the Alliance War expansion.


  • A bug allowed this card to be summoned by Shivering Apothecary, because Strategist's Map was designated in the files as Elixir of Illusion. An unused art named Elixir of Illusion was presumably intended for this card. This bug was fixed in patch 2.10.
