Get arrested
The Lost Treasure: Streets of RiftenEdit
The Streets of Riften are a location available in The Lost Treasure, unlocked by completing Ragged Flagon. You and Swims-at-Night will have to commit enough crimes to be arrested. When you begin the match, you'll be told to "Defeat the Riften Guard or complete a Crime Spree and get arrested." You will begin with Crime Spree in play, and you'll play as Swims-at-Night. Completing the battle earns you a playset of Riften Lawkeeper.
- Pre-match:
- Swims-at-Night: "All right, hear me out. If we commit a brazen enough crime, the guards will take us right to Sails-Through-Storms. And luckily, brazen is my specialty."
- Swims-at-Night:
As Swims-at-Night, you'll have access to his emotes:
- Hello: "Well, look what the tide dragged in."
- Oops: "Not my finest move."
- Good Game: "Now that was a battle!"
- Nice Play: "Neat trick!"
- Implore: "Here goes nothing..."
- Thank you: "You have my undying gratitude."
- Taunt: "You're no match for the greatest smuggler in Tamriel!"
- Sorry: "You'll have to excuse an old smuggler"
When you complete your crime spree, you'll be told to "Stop right there!".
- Post-match:
- Swims-at-Night: "Curses. You've caught us. But there's no prison in the world that can hold us!"
- Riften Lawkeeper: "We'll see about that."
Game SettingsEdit
Riften Lawkeeper starts with an Imperial Might on board.
Riften Lawkeeper starts with a Septim Guardsman, a Prized Chicken in the left lane.
Player starts with a Crime Spree on board.
Riften Lawkeeper starts with two Septim Guardsman and a Prized Chicken in the left lane.
Riften Lawkeeper starts with a Divine Conviction and an Imperial Might on board.
Player starts with a Crime Spree on board.
Swims-at-Night's DecklistEdit
You play as Swims-at-Night with a Monk decklist.
Quantity | Name | Type (Subtype) | Ability | |||||
1 | Curse | Action | 0 | – | – | Rare | Give a creature -1/-1. | |
1 | Move in Shadows | Action | 0 | – | – | Rare | Move a friendly creature. It moves again at the end of the turn. | |
1 | Murkwater Goblin | Creature (Goblin) | 0 | 0 | 1 | Common | Murkwater Goblin has +2/+0 on your turn. | |
1 | Paralyze | Action | 0 | – | – | Common | Shackle an enemy creature. | |
2 | Shadow Shift | Action | 1 | – | – | Common | Move a friendly creature. Draw a card. |
1 | Barter | Action | 2 | – | – | Epic | Trade a card in your hand for a random card in your opponent's hand. | |
2 | Caravan Enforcer | Creature (Khajiit) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Common | When Caravan Enforcer moves, he gains +1/+1. | |
1 | Dune Stalker | Creature (Khajiit) | 2 | 3 | 1 | Rare | Prophecy Summon: Move another friendly creature in this lane. |
1 | Fighters Guild Recruit | Creature (Argonian) | 2 | 1 | 2 | Common | Prophecy, Guard, Lethal | |
1 | Finish Off | Action | 2 | – | – | Common | Destroy a Wounded enemy creature. | |
1 | Lockpick | Action | 2 | – | – | Rare | Either put another Lockpick into your hand or draw a card and reduce its cost by 2, chosen randomly. | |
2 | Thieves Guild Recruit | Creature (Argonian) | 2 | 1 | 2 | Common | Summon: Draw a card. If it costs 7 or more, reduce its cost by 1. | |
2 | Arenthia Swindler | Creature (Khajiit) | 3 | 2 | 2 | Epic | Summon: Steal all items from an enemy creature. | |
2 | Dune Smuggler | Creature (Khajiit) | 3 | 3 | 1 | Rare | Summon: Move another friendly creature in this lane. When a friendly creature moves, give it +1/+1. |
2 | Goblin Skulk | Creature (Goblin) | 3 | 2 | 3 | Rare | Pilfer: Draw a random 0-cost card from your deck. | |
2 | Murkwater Guide | Creature (Goblin) | 3 | 4 | 2 | Common | Treasure Hunt - 0-cost card: Put a copy of the "treasure" into your hand. | |
2 | Thieves Guild Shadowfoot | Creature (Khajiit) | 3 | 2 | 2 | Rare | Summon: Steal the top card of the opponent's deck and replace it with a Counterfeit Trinket. | |
1 | Murkwater Shaman | Creature (Goblin) | 4 | 3 | 3 | Epic | At the start of your turn, put a Curse into your hand. | |
3 | Vicious Dreugh | Creature (Dreugh) | 4 | 3 | 4 | Rare | Summon: Destroy an enemy support. | |
1 | Ransack | Action | 6 | – | – | Rare | Prophecy Deal 3 damage and gain 3 health. |
Opponent's DecklistsEdit
Quantity | Name | Type (Subtype) | Ability | |||||
1 | Improvised Weapon | Item | 0 | – | – | Rare | Breakthrough +1/+1 |
1 | Makeshift Defenses | Creature (Defense) | 0 | 0 | 2 | Common | Guard | |
1 | Maple Shield | Item | 0 | – | – | Common | +0/+3 | |
1 | Septim Guardsman | Creature (Imperial) | 0 | 1 | 2 | Rare | Guard | |
1 | Elixir of Vitality | Support | 1 | – | – | Common | Uses: 3
Activate: Gain 2 health. |
1 | Execute | Action | 1 | – | – | Common | Destroy a creature with 2 power or less. | |
2 | Imperial Grunt | Creature (Imperial) | 1 | 1 | 1 | Common | ||
1 | Cathay-raht Veteran | Creature (Khajiit) | 2 | 1 | 5 | Common | ||
1 | Kvatch Soldier | Creature (Imperial) | 2 | 2 | 3 | Common | Guard | |
1 | Legion Shield | Item | 2 | – | – | Rare | Guard +1/+3 |
2 | Rallying Stormcloak | Creature (Nord) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Common | ||
1 | Horned Helm | Item | 3 | – | – | Common | +2/+3 | |
1 | Imperial Legionnaire | Creature (Imperial) | 3 | 3 | 4 | Common | ||
1 | Quicksilver Crossbow | Item | 3 | – | – | Common | +1/+1 Summon: The wielder deals 1 damage. |
1 | Shield Breaker | Item | 3 | – | – | Common | +2/+2 Summon: An enemy creature loses Guard. |
1 | Two-Moons Contemplation | Support | 3 | – | – | Rare | Ongoing
If your opponent doesn't damage you on their turn, sacrifice this and summon a Priest of the Moons in each lane. |
2 | Candlehearth Brawler | Creature (Nord) | 4 | 2 | 5 | Rare | Charge, Guard | |
1 | Grappling Hook | Item | 4 | – | – | Common | +3/+2 Summon: Move an enemy creature into this lane. It loses Cover. |
1 | Imperial Camp | Support | 4 | – | – | Rare | Ongoing
Summon: Put a 1/2 Septim Guardsman with Guard into your hand. Friendly Guards have +1/+0. |
2 | Riften Lawkeeper | Creature (Nord) | 4 | 4 | 4 | Common | Breakthrough Summon: you gain 4 health. |
1 | Whiterun Trooper | Creature (Nord) | 4 | 6 | 2 | Common | ||
1 | Battlefield Scrounger | Creature (Redguard) | 5 | 3 | 3 | Rare | Charge Slay: Put a random item into your hand. | |
1 | Graceful Myrmidon | Creature (Imperial) | 5 | 4 | 4 | Common | ||
1 | Knight of the Hour | Creature (Imperial) | 5 | 3 | 3 | Common | Prophecy, Guard Summon: You gain 3 health. |
1 | Snowhawk Detachment | Creature (Imperial) | 5 | 3 | 5 | Common | Guard Summon: +1/+1 if you have another creature with Guard. |
1 | Arrest | Action | 7 | – | – | Rare | Steal an enemy creature. It loses Guard, and is permanently Shackled. |
Quantity | Name | Type (Subtype) | Ability | |||||
1 | Improvised Weapon | Item | 0 | – | – | Rare | Breakthrough +1/+1 |
2 | Maple Shield | Item | 0 | – | – | Common | +0/+3 | |
1 | Relentless Raider | Creature (Nord) | 1 | 2 | 1 | Legendary | When an enemy rune is destroyed, deal 1 damage to your opponent. | |
1 | Solitude Stalwart | Creature (Imperial) | 1 | 2 | 2 | Common | ||
2 | Steel Scimitar | Item | 1 | – | – | Common | +2/+2 | |
2 | Fifth Legion Trainer | Creature (Imperial) | 2 | 1 | 3 | Rare | When you summon another creature, give it +1/+0. | |
1 | Helgen Squad Leader | Creature (Nord) | 2 | 0 | 3 | Epic | When another friendly creature attacks, Helgen Squad Leader gains +1/+0. | |
1 | Kvatch Soldier | Creature (Imperial) | 2 | 2 | 3 | Common | Guard | |
1 | Legion Shield | Item | 2 | – | – | Rare | Guard +1/+3 |
2 | Priest of the Eight | Creature (Imperial) | 2 | 2 | 1 | Common | Summon: Draw a card if you have two other creatures. | |
1 | Rift Thane | Creature (Nord) | 2 | 2 | 2 | Epic | Summon: If you have less health than your opponent, +0/+2 and Guard. Otherwise, +2/+0 and Breakthrough. | |
1 | Crusader's Assault | Action | 3 | – | – | Rare | Give a creature +2/+0, Breakthrough and "Slay and Pilfer: Draw a card" this turn. | |
1 | Horned Helm | Item | 3 | – | – | Common | +2/+3 | |
1 | Shield Breaker | Item | 3 | – | – | Common | +2/+2 Summon: An enemy creature loses Guard. |
2 | Candlehearth Brawler | Creature (Nord) | 4 | 2 | 5 | Rare | Charge, Guard | |
1 | Dawnbreaker | Item | 4 | – | – | Legendary | +4/+4 Slay: Banish the slain creature if it's Undead. |
1 | Orcish Warhammer | Item | 4 | – | – | Rare | Breakthrough +3/+3 |
2 | Riften Lawkeeper | Creature (Nord) | 4 | 4 | 4 | Common | Breakthrough Summon: you gain 4 health. |
1 | Ulfric's Housecarl | Creature (Nord) | 4 | 3 | 3 | Epic | When an enemy rune is destroyed, draw a card. | |
2 | Divine Fervor | Support | 5 | – | – | Epic | Ongoing
Friendly creatures have +1/+1. |
1 | Arrest | Action | 7 | – | – | Rare | Steal an enemy creature. It loses Guard, and is permanently Shackled. | |
1 | Legion Praefect | Creature (Imperial) | 7 | 4 | 4 | Common | Summon: Give other friendly creatures +1/+1. |
Prev: Ragged Flagon | Up: Return to Clockwork City | Next: Mistveil Dungeon |