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Lore:Akaviri Potentate

< Lore: Appendices / History
Akaviri Potentate
Akaviri Potentate armor
Akaviri Potentate armor
2E 12E 430
Capital Imperial City
Location Cyrodiil
Common languages Cyrodilic

Eight Divines

Government Absolute monarchy
Preceded By Succeeded By
Second Empire
Empire of Cyrodiil

The Akaviri Potentate[1] (also called the Akaviri Empire[2] or the Akaviri Dynasty),[3] additionally known as the Colovian Emperor-Potentate or the Colovian Dynasty[4][nb 1] was the name given to the period of the Second Empire after the assassination of Reman III and the end of the Reman Dynasty. Additionally, it is the title given to the rulers of Tamriel both during this period and during the earlier years of the empire.[1] Under the Remans, the emperor's chief advisor was called the Potentate.[1]


First EraEdit

In the battle of Pale Pass, Reman I decisively defeated an Akaviri invasion but other events forced him to offer the defeated army amnesty in return for their service in his own army.[1] This led to Akaviri influence in other spheres of life,[1] and over time the position of Potentate was usually filled by one of the snake people.[verification needed — see talk page]

In the year 1E 2920, the Potentate Versidue-Shaie plotted to overthrow the empire. He assassinated Emperor Reman III shortly after the death of Crown Prince Juilek, and declared Reman's line to be extinct. On 22 Evening Star 2920 Versidue-Shaie declared that he was taking over the leadership of the empire but retaining his title of Potentate. In the same speech, he declared the end of the First Era and the start of the Second.[5]

Second EraEdit

In order to suppress armies remaining loyal to the Remans, as well as the armies belonging to individual kingdoms seeking greater autonomy, Versidue-Shaie was forced to engage in a relentless series of campaigns that, by the year 2E 283, finally resulted in victory for his forces.[6] This suppression of those loyal to the Remans may have been the "Reman purges", where the Potentates invented contraptions for cutting off heads.[7] The cost of the campaigns was immense, resulting in the impoverishment of both the empire and its constituent kingdoms and in an effort to maintain order without the expense of a standing army, in 2E 321 Versidue-Shaie agreed to a proposal from his kinsman Dinieras-Ves that established what was to become known as the Fighters Guild.[8]

In 2E 324, Versidue-Shaie was assassinated by the Morag Tong[4][9] and succeeded by his son, Savirien-Chorak. In 2E 400 Savirien-Chorak held a celebration to commemorate four centuries of potentate rule.[10] In turn, he was assassinated along with all his heirs on one night in Sun's Dawn 2E 430, bringing a final end to the Second Empire and signaling the start of the Interregnum.[4]


Name Born Race Crowned Died, Deposed, Abdicated,
or Office Abolished
Additional Information
Second EmpireAkaviri Potentate
Versidue-Shaie 1E ? Tsaesci 1E 2920[5][11] 2E 324[12][13] Upon assuming leadership of the Empire, Versidue-Shaie declared the beginning of the Second Era. Assassinated by the Morag Tong.[12]
Savirien-Chorak 1E ? Tsaesci 2E 324[6] 2E 430[14][12][nb 2] Son of Versidue-Shaie. Assassinated by the Dark Brotherhood.[12][nb 3]


  • ^1  In the original lore of Daggerfall the "Akaviri Potentates" were not defined as Akaviri. Instead the potentates were called the "Colovian Dynasty" and Versidue-Shaie is called the "Colovian Emperor-Potentate" of the "Tamrielic Empire,"[4][15]:6 with the cultural background of the potentate being entirely undefined, though Versidue-Shaie is mentioned as having had a palace in the Elsweyr city of Senchal.[4] The Brothers of Darkness book was the first and only source across all of Daggerfall's materials to refer to any "Colovian" peoples.[4] When authoring the first Pocket Guide to the Empire for Redguard, writer Michael Kirkbride recalled nabbing the name "Colovian" from Daggerfall's documents and using it for the name of the Imperial Province's westernmost region.[1][UOL 1] Additionally, the Pocket Guide added the Akaviri contextualization to the potentates.[1] The Brothers of Darkness book has appeared in every main Elder Scrolls release after Daggerfall, wherein the potentates' description retained the "Colovian" contextualization, but the Elder Scrolls Online version of the book altered the line mentioning the "Colovian Dynasty" to the "Akaviri Dynasty."[3] Ultimately, the potentates' relationship to Colovia and/or the Colovian people as established in Daggerfall has yet to be explored in the lore.
  • ^2  Most sources such as The Brothers of Darkness, Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition, and Systres History: Volume 7 state that Savirien-Chorak was assassinated in 2E 430, but other sources such as the Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition and the Crafting Motifs series state that Savirien-Chorak was assassinated in 2E 431. Since more sources state that Savirien-Chorak was assassinated in 2E 430, this year is presumably the correct year of the assassination.
  • ^3  It's unclear which assassin organization assassinated Savirien-Chorak. The Brothers of Darkness states that the Dark Brotherhood assassinated Savirien-Chorak, while Sacred Witness states that the Morag Tong were responsible for the assassination.
  • Sidri-Ashak was an obscure and lesser known potentate. He is perhaps best known for five runestones dotted across the Imperial province that bear his name. He advised Emperor Brazollus Dor, who ruled between the reigns of Reman II and Reman III. Neither interested nor skilled in matters of state, Emperor Dor left most of the governing to him, and he proved to be a capable statesman.[16]
  • The Akaviri Potentate's peculiar armorsmithing practices were said to have changed the Imperial Legion forever.[17]
  • The Magnates of the town of Hakoshae in Elsweyr believed themselves to be descendants of the Potentates through Proconsul Beloren-Kaie,[18] but it was revealed in 2E 582 that they were in truth descended from Lein-Barduik, the bodyguard of the Proconsul, who had abandoned him to assassins and taken his identity.[19]
  • The next Potentate to rule the Empire was Ocato of Firsthold, who assumed control of the Third Empire at the beginning of the Fourth Era after the Elder Council failed to appoint a new emperor.[20]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.