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< Lore: Races
"When Jode is waning and Jone is full
Then shall be born the Alfiq
Cunning and wise
Teeming with magical might
And all the knowledge of our ancestors
Many lead us as Clan Mothers
While many more pull strings from the shadows
Beneath the Moons."

All Our Perfect Forms
Alfiq are born when Masser is waning and Secunda is full[1]

The Alfiq (occasionally pluralized as "Alfiqs")[2] are a diminutive furstock of magically gifted, quadrepedal Khajiit,[UOL 1] who resemble typical housecats.[1][3] Their resemblance to common housecats has led many to treat them as such, whether by downplaying their intelligence, cooing at them or attempting to cuddle them.[4][5] While it is rumored among outsiders that Alfiq are mute,[6] they are in fact capable of speech. The misconception that Alfiq are incapable of speech may derive from the scholarly reduction of Alfiq to the status of housecats, or from a disinclination of Alfiq to talk in the presence of outsiders.[4]

Due to the disrespect that Alfiq get as a result of their form, they rarely travel outside Elsweyr.[4] All these factors resulted in Alfiq resenting being labeled as housecats, which they consider patronizing and irritating.[7] The grave lack of knowledge outsiders have of them does allow Alfiq to pose as housecats in order to serve as information gatherers.[7] Alfiq wear clothing, but as they are unable to naturally put it on themselves, they either have others do it for them, or they use magic to clothe themselves.[UOL 1]

Some Alfiq live in small houses that are big enough to accommodate them, but too small for non-Alfiq visitors to enter.[8] While they have no thumbs and are too small for manual labor, Alfiq may take jobs as accountants in places where heavy lifting makes up a bulk of the available work.[9] They are capable of casting spells through their tails.[10]



See AlsoEdit


  1. ^ a b Pocket Guide to the Empire, 1st Edition: The Elsweyr ConfederacyImperial Geographical Society, 2E 864
  2. ^ Munili's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
  3. ^ Housecat pet description in The Elder Scrolls Online
  4. ^ a b c Ra'ri's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
  5. ^ Nirahni's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
  6. ^ Interview With Three BooksellersJobasha, Codus Callonus, and Dorisa Darvel
  7. ^ a b Mojzin's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
  8. ^ Khina's dialogue in ESO: Dragonhold
  9. ^ Lanasi's dialogue in ESO: Elsweyr
  10. ^ Appearance of Vivi in ESO: Dragonhold
  11. ^ Skooma Cat's appearance in ESO: Elsweyr

Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.