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Lore:Archival Fortunes

< Lore: Currency
An Archival Fortune (ESO)

Archival Fortunes are a form of currency used in the Infinite Archive, a border realm of Apocrypha. They are soul-forged currency, taking the form of eye-focused signets. Both Daedra and mortal scholars dwelling in the Infinite Archive utilize them for trade. Magical analysis unmistakably reveals the incorporation of soul gems in crafting these distinctive signets. A clear connection exists between comprehending the aetheric index at the core of the Archive and acquiring these iconic signets, likely explaining their value within that realm's confines.[1] Archival Fortunes were frequently employed as rewards for individuals who carried out tasks for the hierophant and other denizens of the archive,[2][3][4] such as halting the invasion of Tho'at Replicanum,[5][6][7] slaying Fabled and Marauder maligraphies,[8][9] or helping with restoring the lost pieces of literature, such as Fynboar the Resurrected,[10][11] or Theories on Apocrypha.[12][13] Exclusive exotic goods were often available for purchase solely using these fortunes within the Archive.[14]

Gabrielle Benele of the University of Gwylim was known for delving into the research of the Archival Fortunes.[1]

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