Overview | Numeric A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | By Author | By Subject | Mentioned Texts
Title | Author | Description | Game(s) |
Taken from an Interview with Retired Dark Elf Archaeologist, Drendisa Vedran | Drendisa Vedran | An interview on the Argonian ruins of Mazzatun | |
Taking Care of Your Bear | Pantea Maria, Imperial Animal Trainer | A guide to caring for Bear pets and mounts | |
The Taking of Abamath | An essay regarding a Wood Orc town which fell to the Ayleids | ||
A Tale Forever Told | A tale of the Silvenar's union with the Green Lady | ||
A Tale of Baar Dau | Amili Drals, Pedagogue | A story of the Lie Rock | |
The Tale of Dro'Zira | Sonia Vette | A Khajiit father in the grips of moon-sugar gives his cub a history lesson | |
A Tale of Kieran | Vegepythicus, editor | Several tales of Kieran the Bard | |
The Tale of Princess Anurraame | A short story of an Ayleid princess | ||
The Tale of Syrabane | A song dedicated to the Archmage Syrabane and the fall of Thras | ||
Tale of the Elements | Nalae-Polek, Poet Laureate to Potentate Versidue-Shaie | ||
The Tale of Three Moons | A description of the Order of the Hidden Moon's founding | ||
Tale of Two Moons | A Khajiit poem about changing moon phases and seasons | ||
The Tale of Vikalar Skull-Shatterer | The tale of a legendary mammoth hunt | ||
Tales of Abba Arl: The Fat Mother | Abba Arl | A children's tale of Orsa | |
Tales of Abba Arl: The Ox's Tale | Abba Arl | A children's tale surrounding the Ox, one of the four parents | |
Tales of Black Marsh | Juno Asellio, collector of stories | A story of the marsh | |
Tales of the Spinners | An Entry by the Altmeri Travel Guild | ||
Tales of the Two Moons Path Vol. 3 | A student receives a vision from the moons | ||
Tales of Tribute: Series One | The Founders | The list of decks intended for tournament play in Tales of Tribute. | |
Tal Marog Ker's Researches | Tal Marog Ker | On the exploits and studies of Chimere Graegyn | |
The Talos Mistake | Leonora Venatus | Propaganda encouraging acceptance of the ban on the worship of Talos | |
Tamrielic Artifacts | A summary of ancient artifacts | ||
Tamrielic Calligraphy, Chapter VII | Alanya of Alinor | On the inks of Tamriel | |
Tamrielic Lore | Yagrum Bagarn | A list of ancient artifacts, compiled by the last living Dwemer at the behest of Divayth Fyr | |
Tamrielic Lore: Revised | Yagrum Bagarn | A list, compiled by the last living Dwemer, of ancient artifacts | |
Tamrielic Twins of Myth | A brief excerpt on twins in Tamrielic folklore | ||
Tancano the Elder's Journal | Tancano the Elder | Notes on the construction of Root Sunder | |
Tanglehaven's Fletchers | On the famed craftsmen of arrows in Tanglehaven | ||
Targa's Note | Targa | A farewell letter from a soldier under the command of Tarish-Zi | |
Tazgol's Vision Quest | On a young Orc's vision from Mauloch | ||
Tears of Anurraame | The tale of an Ayleid princess | ||
Teas and Tisanes for Aches and Pains | Tilenra Sildreth | Recipes for medicinal infusions | |
Teeba-Hatsei | A pamphlet on the popular Argonian sport | ||
Telenger the Artificer Answers Your Questions | Telenger the Artificer | Telenger the Artificer answers questions on lore | |
Telenger the Artificer Answers Your Questions 2 | Telenger the Artificer | Telenger the Artificer answers more questions on lore | |
Telquelie, scholar of Ayleid history | Telquelie | A scholar's notes on the downfall of the Ayleids | |
The Tempest and the Sunflower | Nivienne Tonnerre | A romantic tragedy based on historical events | |
Tempest Island Briefing | On the growing Maormer threat to the Altmer during the Alliance War | ||
Temples of the Dragon Cult | Cirantille | A history of the Dragon Cult | |
Ten Commands: Nine Divines | The Ten Commands of the Nine Divines | ||
Tenderclaw | Notes on an ancient Khajiiti esraj | ||
The Tenets of Destruction | Quiston Merian | Thoughts on the meaning of destruction for those who serve the Flame Tyrant | |
The Ternion Monks | Elgad the Scribe | On the diminishing Ternion Monks | |
Terran's Notes | Terran Arminus | Sister Terran's notes on the visions showed to her by the Elder Scroll | |
Terror-Birds: Up Close and Personal | Dardarfin | A traveler's notes on the carnivorous birds of Elsweyr | |
Terror from the East | A poem about the Khajiit and the Dragons | ||
Terror of the Death Hopper | Remius Volsonus | Writings on the elusive Death Hopper | |
Testimonials on Baar Dau | Minerva Calo, Associate Chronicler | Citizens thoughts on the celestial rock over Vivec City | |
Testimonials on Mushroom Towers | Minerva Calo, Associate Chronicler | Citizens thoughts on Telvanni towers | |
Thalmor Diplomatic Corps Notice | A Thalmor guide on etiquette when interacting with Khajiiti and Wood Elf allies | ||
Thalmor Dossier: Delphine | Thalmor Dossier on the Blades agent Delphine | ||
Thalmor Dossier: Esbern | Thalmor Dossier on the Blades Loremaster Esbern | ||
Thalmor Dossier: Ulfric Stormcloak | Thalmor dossier on the Jarl of Windhelm | ||
Thalmor Handbill | Aicantar of Shimmerene, Sapiarch of Indoctrination | Thalmor pamphlet offering guidance for interacting with Khajiit and Bosmer allies | |
Tharayya's Journal | Tharayya | A researcher's journal documenting her search for an ancient artifact | |
That of Void | Nisswo Xeewulm | A poem regarding Sithis from the Clutch of Nisswo | |
Thendaramur Death-Blossom Answers Your Questions | Thendaramur Death-Blossom | Thendaramur Death-Blossom answers questions on lore | |
Thenephan's Mysteries of Mead | Daria Thenephan | On the intricacies of creating and consuming Nord mead | |
Theories: Soulrazer Knights | Kaladiran, Arcane Naturalist | A scholar's theories of the origins of Soulrazer Knights | |
There Be Dragons | Torhal Bjorik | A report on the nature of dragons | |
Thibaut's Cairn and its History | Charonius of Sutch | On the hero Thibaut and his resting place | |
The Thief God's Treasures | Wafaruz the Veracious Spitter | On Rajhin's Daedric prizes and exploits | |
Thief of Virtue | A bawdy tale of one thief's quest for coin, and capture of a lady's virtue | ||
Things Lost, Things Forgotten | A song about forgotten memories | ||
The Third Door | Annanar Orme | Tale of a heart-broken, vengeful, axe-wielding woman | |
The Third Era Timeline | Jaspus Ignateous | An accounting of the most significant events of the Third Era | |
Thirsk, a History | Bereditte Jastal | Chronicles the Nord mead hall of Thirsk, focusing primarily on its chieftains | |
Thirsk, a History -- Revised | Bereditte Jastal | Chronicles the history of Thirsk and slaying of the Udyrfrykte circa 3E 427 | |
Thirsk, A Revised History | Chronicles the Nord mead hall of Thirsk circa 4E 201, focusing primarily on its chieftains | ||
The Thirsty Dead | Necromancer Marilia Relarys | A necromancer's warnings about the inherent risks of raising the dead | |
This Text Property of Leki's Blade | Sima the Edged Scholar | A scholar's notes on four legendary Yokudan Sword Saints | |
Thoron's Journal | Thoron | The journal of a madman bridging the gap between Tamriel and the Shivering Isles | |
Those Who Stood at Chalman Keep | Song of a three-way battle at Chalman Keep | ||
Thoughts of the Honored Assistant | Notes on the design and development of a prophetic Factotum | ||
Thoughts on the Sacred Numbers | A philosoper's contemplation of the sacred numbers | ||
The Thousand Arrows | A record of the fourth Champion of the Blessed Crucible | ||
Threat of the Baandari Pedlars | Zuladr, High Priest of Satakalaam | A Redguard High Priest rationalizes the evil nature of Khajiit | |
The Three's Petition to the King | The Three | Three bandit lords petition for the king's pardon | |
Three Thieves | Anonymous | Some thieves in Morrowind plan a heist | |
A Threnody to Lost Love | A lament of a lost love | ||
Thukhozod's Bracer | Notes on a powerful necromancer's bracer | ||
Thulgeg's March | Kraltha the Rememberer | An account of the life of Warlord Thulgeg, who led the Orc exodus from Hammerfell to Wrothgar | |
Thwarting the Daedra: Mehrunes Dagon | Flaminius Auctor | A treatise on how to identify and destroy Daedric cults | |
Tidefall Cantos I | A selection of cantos from a longer work | ||
The Time of the Ebonheart Pact | Alla Llaleth | An essay on the downfall of mankind and a rallying call to take Cyrodiil | |
A Time of Troubles | Gwilgoth Branchbreaker | A lesson on well-placed loyalty | |
Tips for a Khajiit in Summerset | Bezumi, Khajiiti Ambassador to Summerset | A Khajiit's notes on Summerset's history and people | |
Tips for Black Marsh Travel | An excerpt from a travel guide warning of the dangers in Black Marsh | ||
To All Who Pass Through | Dutheil | An Oblivion architect discusses his greatest creation | |
To Amberrie | T | ||
To Delay Means Death | Captain Virgilus | An Imperial officer's letter warning of potential mutiny during the Three Banners War | |
To Dream Beyond Dreams | the Omen of a Hundred Prophecies | The autobiography of the First Nightcaller | |
To Jun-Jo the Empty Fang | A Khajiit is told to prepare for ascension | ||
Tomb of Reman Cyrodiil | The sarcophagus inscription of Reman I | ||
Tomb of Reman Cyrodiil II | The sarcophagus inscription of Reman II | ||
Tomb of Reman Cyrodiil III | The sarcophagus inscription of Reman III | ||
Tome of Daedric Portals | the Sinistral Apprentice | On reaching the Deadlands and the dangers therein | |
Tome of the Undaunted | A record of individuals who took the Pledge of the Undaunted | ||
Tome of Unlife | A mysterious, blood-stained lexicon belonging to Lorgren Benirus | ||
To Milore from Nilara | Nilara | A letter describing the changes to Mournhold following the Red Year | |
The Tonenaka Shrine | Magnate Feina-Darak | The history of the intricate Akaviri shrine of Rimmen | |
The Toothmaul Contract | Contract between unlikely allies | ||
Topal Legionary Academy | Zargit the Studious | A Khajiit's view of the Topal Legionary Academy | |
To Posterity | Hafara | On the Direfrost witch-hunters | |
To Raise the Living | Shagrub Gilgar | The mother of Koffutto Gilgar tells her son about Hasedoki | |
Torc of Baloth Bloodtusk | Notes on a legendary warrior's necklace | ||
Torug ag Krazak | An untranslated text surrounding the death and resting place of Orsinium's founder | ||
Torug at the Summit, Complete Translation | A translated text surrounding the death and resting place of Orsinium's founder | ||
Torvesard's Journal | Torvesard | The journal of a Clanless Daedra | |
To See My Systres | A song about the Systres | ||
To Smite with Dragon Claws | Battle Chant of the Intrepid Two Hundred | ||
The Totems of Hircine | Werewolf tales regarding artifacts of Hircine | ||
Touching the Sky | Parmion Saldor | An overview of Snow Elf pilgrimages to the Chantry of Auri-El | |
Touch of the Worm's Tongue | Record of an experiment | ||
Tower of Adamant | Hrerm House-builder, Bards College, Solitude | A Nord architect's notes on the construction of the Adamantine Tower | |
The Tower of the Wolf | Masonry of Solitude Digest | An article surrounding the construction of Solitude's latest edifice | |
Tracking the Arena | Ebidazner Kornod | A Scholary Exploration of the Mysterious Fight Club | |
A Trader's Eye for Fashion | Madam Firilanya | A clothier's thoughts on fashion | |
Traditions of the Lion Guard | Precepts of High King Emeric's knightly order | ||
Traelius' Journal | Traelius | The journal of a man having troubles with his wife | |
A Tragedy in Black | The story of a youth summoning a Dremora | ||
Tragic Accident! Baenlin Dead! | Phineas Farnsworth | A newspaper article on the death of an elderly Elf nobleman in Bruma | |
Trail and Tide | Moon-Bishop Hunal | A short essay regarding the importance of Moon-Bishops in Khajiiti society | |
Traitor's Diary | Mathieu Bellamont | The insane ramblings of a traitorous member of the Dark Brotherhood | |
Traitor's Vault Temporal Tome | Rullinalion | A letter from a world where Mannimarco's plot succeeded during the Planemeld | |
Transcribed Words of Mehrunes Dagon | A recorded speech of the Prince of Destruction, prior to his attack in Mournhold circa 1E 2920 | ||
The Translated Works of Tosmorn | Xandier Edette Edited by Vanesse Aurilie |
A collection of Reachmen folklore | |
Translation of Strange Inscription | A note of translation | ||
Trans-Niben Delicacies | First Mate Snagoth of the Guar's Beak, second fastest treasure hauler on the Niben River | A traditional recipe | |
Trap | Anonymous | A starving man steals money for food, but pays a high price for his action | |
Trapped in Ebon Stadmont | Andewen | The thoughts of a mage trapped in a magical forest | |
Traveler's Guide to Gideon | Astinia Isauricus; Published 22 Frost Fall, 2E 570 | An overview of Gideon's people, history and notable places | |
Traveler's Guide to Leyawiin | Astinia Isauricus; published 1 Frost Fall, 2E 569 | An overview of Leyawiin's people, history and notable places | |
Traveler's Guide to West Weald | Beragon, Imperial Scribe | A local's travel guide to the West Weald | |
A Travel Guide to Tamriel Castles | Astinia Isauricus | A guide to notable castles around Tamriel in the Second Era | |
Travels Around the Western Holds | Inky-Claws | An Argonian's account on the Holds of Western Skyrim | |
Travels in High Rock | An excerpt from a Glenumbra travel guidebook | ||
Treatise on Ayleidic Cities | The history of Varsa Baalim and Mehrunes' Razor | ||
Treatise on Metallurgical Anomalies | Ovuld, Master Metallurgist | Introduction to a scholarly treatise on strange metals | |
A Treatise on the Knot | An overview of various knots used by sailors | ||
Treaty of Khenarthi's Roost | A treaty between Khenarthi's Roost and the Maormer | ||
Treaty of the Three Clans | A declaration of peace between Reach three tribes | ||
Trebuchet Ritual | Forromeo | The ritual of Clan Direnni's mighty trebuchet | |
A Trespasser in Ivyhame | Zamshiq af-Halazh, Associate Folklorist at the University of Gwylim | A scholar's journey to Ivyhame | |
The Trials of Hissmir | Sali-Ze, Hissmir Oblate | Advice on offering oneself to the Hist | |
Trials of St. Alessia | Excerpt from a greater work detailing the creation of the Amulet of Kings | ||
Tribes of Blackwood | Emmanubeth Hurrent, the Wayfarers' Society of Wayrest | An overview some Argonian tribes in Blackwood | |
Tribes of Murkmire | Emmanubeth Hurrent, the Wayfarers' Society of Wayrest | Descriptions of the many tribes within the region of Murkmire | |
Tribunal—Living Lies | "Disordinator" | Regarding a conspiracy among the Tribunal Temple | |
Trinimac House Idol | Notes on an ancient statue used for personal worship | ||
Triumph of the Sep Adder | Zabia-ko | A merchant's notes on the winged snakes of Hew's Bane | |
Triumphs of a Monarch | His Majesty King Emeric | An autobiographical account of the life of King Emeric of Wayrest | |
Troll Slaying | Finn | A guide to identifying, fighting, and collecting fat from trolls | |
Troll Socialization Research Notes | Grularz | A researcher's notes on the behavior and mannerisms of trolls | |
The True Balance | How to understand a foe | ||
The True Fate of King Ranser | Serinal Gane, Royal Scribe of Shornhelm | How the King of Shornhelm escaped death | |
True Heirs of the Empire | Erystera Ligen | Propaganda for the Daggerfall Covenant | |
The True Nature of Magnar | Volas Night-Eyes | On the legend of Magnar Bearstorm | |
The True Nature of Orcs | Book detailing the Orsimer race and their origin | ||
The True Noble's Code | Serjo Athyn Sarethi | Gives the guidelines to the members of the House Redoran | |
The True-Told Tale of Hallin | A tale about Sword-singer Hallin and his defense of Ojwambu | ||
The Truth About the Green Pact | Scholar Sloozgub of Skingrad | ||
The Truth in Sequence | Deldrise Morvayn, Fourth Tourbillon to the Mainspring Ever-Wound | Sermons on the metaphysics of Sotha Sil | |
The Truth of Minotaurs | Tyronius Liore, Scholar of Imperial Antiquities | The dismissal of a theory surrounding the origin of Minotaurs | |
The Truth of the Hunter | A hunter's tale | ||
Truths of the North | Song of the wise Nord | ||
Turn Back! | Karnhar | ||
Turuk Redclaws Answers Your Questions | Turuk Redclaws | Turuk Redclaws answers questions on lore | |
Tu'whacca, Arkay, Xarxes | Lady Cinnabar of Taneth | A discussion on the similarity of gods | |
Tu'whacca's Prayer | A traditional Redguard prayer | ||
Twilight Cantors: The Exorcists of Azurah | Theyo Prevette | A ghost hunter's observations of the Twilight Cantors | |
Twilight Rites and Hymns | Notes on the risks of singing the S'virash Sahaala | ||
Twin Secrets | Brarilu Theran | A tale of an enchanter's path to discovering how to weave two enchantments onto one item |