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< Lore: People: G
Gothren circa 3E 427
Race Dunmer Gender Male
Died 3E 427
Resided in Vvardenfell
Previous Ruler Nelos Otheri
Appears in Morrowind, ESO

Gothren was a powerful Sorcerer-Lord and a high-ranking and influential member of House Telvanni. By the late Third Era, he had become the Archmagister of the House, and led the Telvanni council from his tower in Tel Aruhn with an iron grip.


Second EraEdit

Gothren was an influential member of Great House Telvanni. By 2E 582, he had ascended to the rank of Magister, one rank below the highest rank of Archmagister. Using his position in power, he (and those associated with him) freely expressed his xenophobia, and discriminated against those he saw as being beneath him, such as "lesser" races. He attempted to stop the advancement of an aspiring Argonian, Sun-in-Shadow, who was quickly climbing up the social ladder,[1] and later kidnapped her for having the audacity to poison his representative. He, like other Telvanni mages, was an opportunist, and he blackmailed Sun-in-Shadow's errand-runner to retrieve an item of importance. To him, even the leader of House Telvanni was not off limits, as he sought the research notes of Archmagister Nelos Otheri relating to Tonal Architecture, which the errand-runner provided.[2]

Third EraEdit

By the late Third Era, Gothren had risen to the rank of Archmagister and become the leader of House Telvanni. He remained highly distrustful of any outsiders, a position which would ultimately lead to his demise. A key event was the rise of Magister Aryon, an ambitious young Telvanni sorcerer with a very progressive ideology which contrasted sharply with that of his more conservative peers. Aryon wished to introduce many reforms to Telvanni ethics and practices, but Gothren became a major roadblock. In 3E 427, the Nerevarine appeared on the island of Vvardenfell, and Aryon became the Nerevarine's most ardent supporter within House Telvanni. He encouraged the Nerevarine to challenge Archmagister Gothren, while frankly admitting that he stood to gain personally from Gothren's death.[3] The Nerevarine did so, although whether this was done in regards to their succession to the position of Archmagister[4] or their effort to be named Telvanni Hortator[5] is unclear. In either event, the Nerevarine was victorious, and Gothren was killed.

See AlsoEdit

