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< Lore: Factions: H
Hermit Crab

The Hee-Tepsleel are one of the many Argonian tribes of the Black Marsh. As of 2E 582, they inhabited Murkmire, a coastal region in southern parts of the province. They are noted for their agriculture, growing and trading alchemical ingredients with tribes like the Black-Tongue Tribe.[1]

In his work Tribes of Murkmire: Tribal Connections, Emmanubeth Hurrent of the Wayfarers' Society of Wayrest provided a description of the Hee-Tepsleel tribe, showcasing their inter-tribal relations.[1]

Hee-Tepsleel consider hermit crabs a delicacy. Xoko, an Argonian chef from the Hee-Tepsleel tribe, described their meat as "as juicy as the fruit about to drop off a tree."[2]

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