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Lore:Kagesh Tribe

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The Kagesh Tribe

The Kagesh Tribe is an Ashlander tribe that lives in the Stonefalls region of mainland Morrowind. They are traditionally hated and feared by the settled Dunmer of the region. In 2E 582, the Kagesh ashkhan led an attack on the Iliath Temple as a means of ending the tribe's persecution. The move was against the wishes of the wise woman Hedranna Kaliki, who attempted to strike a peace with the Temple by offering herbs and healing potions. The tribe's gift was used to heal injured soldiers of the Ebonheart Pact, who were then employed to defend the temple. Additionally, the spirits of dead Ordinators were also summoned to hold the walls. Faced with this, the ashkhan and his supporters attempted to tunnel into the temple, but the poor supports were toppled by the defenders and the invaders were killed in the collapse. The remaining Kagesh were forced to flee.[1][2]

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