Image used for the Loremaster's Archive until the Imperial City DLC was released
The Loremaster's Archive is a series created by ZeniMax alongside the release of The Elder Scrolls Online. The series focuses on revealing new lore books, and various lore-related questions are answered by prominent authors or entities of Tamriel and beyond. These characters were played by the game's loremasters, which in order are Lawrence Schick, Leamon Tuttle, and Michael Zenke. The series can be found on the official ESO website.
Loremaster's Archives used to be answered by mailing in questions. This has been retired in favor of questions being answered on the game's official forums, where related threads occasionally happen.
The series has a total of 57 installments, 52 of which involved a Q&A:
Lawrence Schick wrote a total of 44 Loremaster's Archives during his tenure as Loremaster, 39 which involved a Q&A. He was succeeded by Leamon Tuttle. It is unconfirmed if everything listed under the books subsection were written by Schick, but these books are supplementary materials included to read alongside the Archive. Some were written before the Q&A came out, while others were written for the Archive and were later added into the game. Some have yet to be added into the game.
Leamon Tuttle wrote a total of 2 Loremaster's Archive Q&As during his tenure as Loremaster. He was succeeded by Michael Zenke.
Michael Zenke has written a total of 11 Loremaster's Archive Q&As so far during his tenure as Loremaster.
Since the House Telvanni Loremaster's Archive entry was published on March 26, 2023, the context of the interviews has shifted, with the University of Gwylim being the in-universe host. Specifically, The Arcanists Loremaster's Archive entry from May 24, 2023 revealed that the interviews are being hosted by Gabrielle Benele. The Malacath and Maelstrom entry from March 7, 2024 revealed that older interviews, specifically Fa-Nuit-Hen's, were part of the same series in-universe. With the Tamriel's Holidays Archive from December 19, 2024, Amalien revealed she would be taking over this series for now.