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Needs info from Reaper's March questline (i.e., The paths to becoming Mane, more Moon Hallowed lore, etc.)
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"Under the Hidden Moon
Then shall be born the Mane
Lion Lords and natural leaders
They carry the burden of all
Only one will be chosen
To wear the Crown of Braids
But though forgotten or remembered
Each Mane will forever alter
The Fate of All Khajiit."

All Our Perfect Forms
A Mane

The Mane is a unique type of Khajiit. Khajiit tradition holds that only one Mane can be alive at one time and, more specifically, believe that there is actually only one Mane who is reborn again and again in different bodies. There has been no recorded incident of more than one Mane contending for power, although whether due to the truth in the Khajiit belief or whether the ruling Mane takes care of any potential rivals is unknown. Manes can only be born under a rare alignment of the moons Masser and Secunda when, according to legend, a third moon actually appears. In older days the Khajiit would shave off their manes in deference to the Mane, braiding them into locks which the Mane would incorporate into its own mane/headdress.[1] The Mane is so weighted down by the hair that movement is difficult without aid and they often travel the countryside by means of a palanquin. As the population grew, however, this became impractical.[1] As a result, the headdress now only includes hair of the Mane's tribe and Warrior Guard attached to it, which includes several hundred in number.[2]

The Moon Hallowed is a champion blessed by past Manes who arrive in times of peril. They guide the future Manes through their initiation[1] which is known as the Paths. It ends with the final path in the Temple of Two Moons Path, in the city of Dune.[3]

Those born under the sign of the eclipse not chosen to be the Mane would instead be known as Forgotten Manes. Most of these Khajiit would be given to the Pride of Alkosh in Pridehome and be raised as warriors, ready to serve Elsweyr and Alkosh in times of great need.[4][5] In 2E582, a Forgotten Mane by the name of Ra'khajin left the temple in order to serve the dragon Laatvulon as his Dragon Priest, and would later return to raze his former home to the ground. [6]

Those born under the eclipse are more subjectable to the moons, and thus the Dark Moon. The Dark Heart consequently calls to them to the Bent Dance that threatens to turn them to dro-m'Athra, as with the case of the Forgotten Mane Ja'darri,[7] who managed to ward off the corruption.[8] Others are unsuccessful, with the Dark Mane being a prime example. He listened "too much to the Darks", and thus his soul was claimed by Namiira.[9] Tainted, he was no longer fit to lead the Khajiit as a spiritual leader, and was "cast out of the Moon's light, to walk forever in darkness."[10]

In or around 4E 48 the Mane was assassinated by the Thalmor, sinking the south of Elsweyr into chaos.[11]:179[UOL 1]

Previous ManesEdit

Mane Nhad-hatta, wearing the braids and hair-locks of his entire tribe

Forgotten ManesEdit



  • ^  During the course of the Reaper's March questline in ESO, the Vestige can choose which of the two Lunar Champions should ascend to the position of Mane: either Shazah or Khali.
  • Michael Kirkbride described the original ideas for the Mane as a cat sitting on a tall, wheeled platform hidden by the countless hair-locks, with each Mane varying and being "absolutely outlandish and unique". This could consist of "overwhelming hair-locks, mobile beds, clouds of moon sugar blowing out when they speak, and then go nuts with individual ornamentation".[UOL 1]


Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.