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Lore:Merethic Era Major

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Note: The Merethic Era, also known as the Merethic Age, Mythic Age, Mythic Era, Mythic Times, the Era of Myths, and the days of myth is a period with few known, exact dates, and some of the events below may be misplaced in the general narrative. The era is dated backwards from Year Zero of the First Era (the traditional Nordic Merethic dating), which is marked by the founding of the Camoran Dynasty. The Dwemer had a method of Merethic dating, abbreviated P.D., but how it relates to the Nordic method is unknown. The Akaviri Dragonguard recognized a Merethic dating system in the Old Calendar. Yokuda also had an old way of reckoning which included the Merethic Era.

Early Merethic EraEdit

ME 2500Direnni Tower constructed
  • The latest archaeological study of the Direnni Tower on the Isle of Balfiera in High Rock has dated its construction to around ME 2500, the earliest known date in Aldmeri and Nordic history, making it the oldest known structure in Tamriel.
  • The et'Ada hold their Convention at this tower, setting the laws of Mundus and ending the Dawn Era.
Early Kothringi culture
  • Later findings date the first Kothringi metalwork and cultural exchange with the Argonians of Shadowfen in this time, making them the first known human culture of Tamriel.
The arrival of the elves on the Summerset Isles
  • The Aldmer leave doomed and now-lost Aldmeris (also known as 'Old Ehlnofey') and settle on the isle Auridon. According to legend, the Aldmer folk hero High Lord Torinaan 'the Foresailor' arrives at the location now known as Nine-Prow Landing and founds the city of Firsthold south of it.

Middle Merethic EraEdit

The search for Aldmeris
The Aldmeri Colonies on Tamriel
  • First colonies are distributed primarily on the Summerset Isles and widely along the entire coast of Tamriel. Later, inland settlements are founded primarily in fertile lowlands in southwest and central Tamriel. According to Vingalmo's 'Treatise on the Altmer Antecedent' the early Aldmer and Dwemer are significantly more sophisticated than other cultures, displaying power beyond what could be expected of the time.
  • The Aldmeri settlers of Cyrodiil would later become the first Ayleids and remain subservient to the King of Alinor until at least 1E 1, when the White-Gold Tower is established as an independent city-state.
  • The literate and technologically advanced Aldmeri cultures drive the relatively primitive beastfolk into the jungles, marshes, mountains, and wastelands.
The Crystal Tower
Rise of the Ayleids
The White-Gold Tower
  • The White-Gold Tower is built in Cyrodiil.

Late Middle Merethic EraEdit

The Dwemer expand
  • The Dwemer, a free-thinking, reclusive Elven clan devoted to the secrets of science, engineering, and alchemy, establish underground cities and communities in the mountain range separating modern Skyrim and modern-day Morrowind (later known as the Velothi Mountains).
The Transformation of Trinimac
  • According to Altmeri tradition, a great battle occurs between Trinimac and Boethiah as a result of the Velothi dissident movement. Trinimac is consumed, and returns later as Malacath. His followers become the Orcs. The followers of Veloth and Boethiah become the Chimer, who migrate to their promised land of Resdayn. Some traditions trace these events back to the Dawn Era.
High Velothi Culture
  • High Velothi Culture thrives in Resdayn. The Chimer become dynamic, ambitious, long-lived Elven clans devoted to fundamentalist ancestor worship. Despising the secular culture and profane practices of the Dwemer, the Chimer also covet their lands and resources, and for centuries provoke them with minor raids and territorial disputes.

Late Merethic EraEdit

Fall of High Velothi Culture
  • Velothi high culture disappears on Vvardenfell. The earliest known Dwemer Freehold colonies are constructed. The Velothi degenerate into tribal cultures, which, in time, evolve into the modern Great Houses of Morrowind, or persist as the Ashlander tribes. The only surviving traces of this tribal culture are scattered Velothi towers and Ashlander nomads on Vvardenfell Island.
ME 1000 - 800 — Traces of the earliest human settlements on Tamriel
  • Archaeologists later trace the earliest known human settlements in High Rock, Hammerfell and Cyrodiil to around this time. For centuries, raiders cross the Sea of Ghosts to invade and settle in Tamriel. Men are soon predominant along the northern coasts. Some scholars believe humans first began migrating to Tamriel in the middle of the Merethic Era.
Earliest known interbreeding between High Rock's Nedes and Aldmer
  • Some speculate that interbreeding between the Nedes and Aldmer had been happening for centuries by the time the Merethic Era ended. Khosey's 'Tamrilean Tractates', written in the third century of the First Era, is more restrictive on the timeline. According to it, a Nordic hunting party discovered the early Bretons who have been a product of interbreeding over ten generations between Nede and Aldmer.[nb 2]
  • Whether Man or Mer came to High Rock first is debated in scholarly circles: some believe that Nedic civilization and their Druid King were already established in the province when the Aldmer arrived, while others claim that the Nedes arrived in High Rock afterwards, and encountered the elves gradually with a variety of reactions and outcomes.
Manmer, the earliest Bretons
  • Asterie Bedel is perhaps the earliest recorded Breton, who was recorded to have created the artifact Chrysamere in the late Merethic Era.
  • The earliest Bretons were known as the Manmer and were more elven in appearance than their modern counterparts.
  • "Druid" as a distinct identity was fully realized shortly after the first Bretons came about. Druidic spellcraft is said to be the first truly Breton creation.
Fundamental changes in Iron Orc civilization occur
  • After continued aggression from the Nedes of Craglorn, the once peaceful and shamanistic society of the Iron Orcs changes into one of barbarism. Choosing Warriors, Miners and Smiths over their former peaceful jobs they now defended their homes and places of worship through almost bestial ways of warfare.
The Return
The Dragon War
  • At this time, the dragons under Alduin had claimed dominion over all Mundus, and presided over man in Atmora and then Tamriel. The Nords worship them as gods and build many temples dedicated to them. Dragon Priests, servants of their dragon overlords, become increasingly tyrannical, eventually causing men to rebel. Thousands of men die until a few dragons join their fight, when the tide turns in their favor. Alduin is banished and the Dragon Priests are overthrown. The remaining dragons are scattered, their population decimated.
The Narfinsel Schism
  • A centuries long civil war between the more conservative Aedra-worshiping Ayleid clans and the more decadent, vigorous clans that had adopted Daedra-worship begins. It will reach its climax in 1E 198 at the Scouring of Wendelbek.
ME 1