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Lore:Muth Gnaar

< Lore: Places: M
Muth Gnaar
Type Settlement
Continent Tamriel
Province Morrowind
Region Deshaan
(Redolent Loam)
Appears in ESO
Muth Gnaar circa 2E 582

Muth Gnaar is a settlement in the Deshaan region of Morrowind, built at the confluence of multiple rivers in southwest Redolent Loam. It was the home of the Muth Gnaar Monastery, whose order safeguarded the Tear of Saint Veloth.[1] During the Planemeld the town was treating those infected by the Llodos Plague and was ambushed by the Vereansu Tribe, who burned down the monastery, though they later recovered.[2]


According to the legend, when Veloth first laid eyes upon the land of Resdayn, the new homeland he had seen in his visions, a tear froze as it slid down Veloth's cheek, forming a radiant crystal called the Tear of Saint Veloth. At some point afterwards, it was kept by the monks of the monastery of Muth Gnaar, greating healing and restorative powers. The crystal's powers were effective long the monks maintained a constant vigil and pattern of prayer.[1]

In 2E 582, the local monks were treating those infected with the Llodos plague, using the Tear of Saint Veloth to halt the progression of the disease. They gave the infected medallions to slow down the effects of the disease.[3] To their misfortune the monastery was attacked by the Vereansu, a violent tribe of Ashlanders, who burned much of it to the ground and stole the relic. This caused the infected to turn into the violent plague husks and roam around the town, trapping many people in the ruined buildings. Dolril Belvayn had the Vestige to travel to the Vereansu camp and kill Ashkhan Ginasa. With the defeat of the Ashlander leader, the Vereansu left Muth Gnaar in peace.[2] With the Vereansu gone, the order planned to resume their work on treating the afflicted.[3]




Note: The following references are considered to be unofficial sources. They are included to round off this article and may not be authoritative or conclusive.