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Lore:Ring of the Pale Order

< Lore: Artifacts: R
Ring of the Pale Order

"Victory unaided, death unsung."Pale Order popular motto

The Ring of the Pale Order was a signet ring belonging to a prominent member of the Bretonic Knights of the Pale Order, who were known for their persecution of the Direnni when they fled to Balfiera around the end of the Fifth Century of the First Era. The ring is said to give off a cold surge of power and a deep nagging paranoia, and it invigorates the wielder as they inflict damage to their wielder. The enchantment however becomes less potent the more people that accompany the wearer. Thus, members of this knightly order were known for keeping their own company, and rumors abound of them and their associates being vampires or resorting to dark magics. It was not uncommon to see members of the Pale Order covered in blood yet growing stronger as battles went on.[1][2]

The artifact's power comes from the various components that make up the ring's anatomy. The band itself is golden, broad, and heavy, and serves as the base of the artifact. The groove along the inside features an elegy for all those killed by the user in an unassisted triumph. The gallery rail has the inscription "Vigor through Blood." It also houses polished onyx stones reading "Austerity, Autonomy, and Ferocity." The stones flank the signet of House Aurmine, eagar vassals of House Spenard.[2]

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