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Lore:Siege of Solitude

< Lore: History: Wars
Potema's banner

The Siege of Solitude[1] was the final battle in the War of the Red Diamond. It took place in 3E 137, at the city of Solitude, the capital of the eponymous kingdom ruled by Potema, the Wolf Queen. It was a month-long siege against the city, and later her castle, the Blue Palace. It was led by the Septim brothers, Emperor Cephorus I and King Magnus of Lilmoth. Though the war's end was ultimately decided when Emperor Uriel III was killed and those previously in support of Potema slowly abandoned her, the siege was the final addendum to the conflict.[1][2]


Ten years had passed after Emperor Uriel III's defeat at the Battle of Ichidag and the Wolf Queen's influence waned over the next years until all of her power was restricted to her Kingdom of Solitude. [2] Potema used a nearby cave later known as Wolfskull Cave to perform necromantic rituals[3] and rumors eventually spread of her use of daedra, resurrected enemy warriors and companions. The kingdom had turned into a "land of death" and her subjects lived in fear of the ancient Wolf Queen.[2]

Using these dispensable soldiers, Potema could mount several attacks on both of her brothers until eventually, they entered the city. Their armies found undead like zombies and ghosts living in the houses and the Blue Palace producing an extremely foul odor. It took weeks before life returned and the remaining living people of Solitude returned home. Businesses like the Mages Guild re-opened and re-populated the harbor. But by then, the siege on the castle persisted. Potema had died at the age of seventy, alone in her bedchamber by the time the palace had been taken and Emperor Cephorus I emerged victorious.[2] The Blue Palace was burned to the ground after Potema's defeat and a new palace was built over it.[4]:421

The Siege was Prince Pelagius' first ever battle at eighteen years old and it was also the first time he had ever visited the city. While it is unclear if Cephorus or Magnus granted this title, the prince was named the titular new King of Solitude with guidance from a council. In the ensuing years since, Pelagius showed eccentricities that eventually earned him the epithet, "Pelagius the Mad". Some sources, such as The Wolf Queen written by Waughin Jarth and the Biography of the Wolf Queen written by Katar Eriphanes attribute the source of his madness to Potema but whether this was the case is unknown.[1][2]


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