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The Tum-Taleel, or root-house tribe, are among the many tribes inhabiting Murkmire. They tend to be significantly larger than Argonians of the other Murkmire tribes, with broad shoulders, narrow eyes, and wide, powerful jaws. they put their considerable size to use, as much of their time is spent raiding neighbouring villages, taking what they wish and settling in the village huts afterwards.

The Tum-Taleel control a bridge over the Lore:Keel-Sakka River where they hold passer-by's up for tribute to pass. this aggression however is not the sole defining trait of the Tum-Taleel, as the same raiders who had taken over a village may sit down for a meal in peace with the villages previous inhabitants.

The tum-taleel, like many of Murkmire's tribes, enjoy playing Teeba-Hatsei, however, due to their build, being large and slow, tend to have the hoops lower to accommodate it.

