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< Lore: Bestiary: V
ON-concept-MW Vvardvark.jpg
A Vvardvark
Type Beast
Range Morrowind
Appears in

ESO, Legends

Vvardvarks are small creatures found in the province of Morrowind, they were the result of a failed experiment by the Telvanni magister Varkenel in the Second Era.[1] They are a magical hybrid that possesses scales, fur, and a long tongue, with their diet consisting of small insects.[2] They are popular pets,[3][2] and some Vvardvarks are even large enough to act as pack animals or riding mounts.[3]

They were prevalent on the island of Vvardenfell,[4][2] but by the late Third Era, the Vvardvarks found on Vvardenfell were wiped out by the Ash Blight phenomenon.[5] Though due to be being imported elsewhere, they were also widespread on the mainland, notably in the Telvanni Peninsula.


Varkenel's Hat Trick, a comical re-enactment (ESO)

As recorded in his personal log, The Vvardvark Experiment, the Telvanni mage Varkenel considered the creation of the first Vvardvark a failure.[1][3] His original goal was to create a kind of domesticated predator. His initial trials were aimed at creating something similar to housecats using creatures from the Ashlands as stock. Further experimentation would have increased their size and ferocity to create a novel kind of warbeast.[3] However he was incredibly disturbed by the creature he created, considering its "cuteness" revolting. He immediately planned to destroy the creature but decided to first do some tests on it. His young daughter would see the creature and was immediately endeared to it, begging to keep it as a pet. He hesitantly allowed her to, naming the Vvardvark "Master Scaly-Tale". Varkenel's daughter would later request that he make Master Scaly-Tale a family, but he initially refused, not wishing for the creatures to overrun Vvardenfell.[1] Evidentially, he eventually gave into her demands and would create more Vvardvarks. Some of the creatures would escape and breed, creating a sizable population of the creatures on Vvardenfell.

In just a few years, Vvardvarks became an everyday sight on the island of Vvardenfell. At first, where they came from was considered a mystery , though rumors circulated that correctly linked them back to the Telvanni,[4][6] with some assuming they were created by a rogue member.[7] The public had became endeared to the creatures, and many would be taken as pets.[2] Eventually it was discovered Varkenel was responsible for their creation. Varkenel was given the honor of expanding his experimentation to allow for a proper breeding program by the Archmagister of House Telvanni. The line of Vvardvarks was expanded with additional colorations and configurations, eventually including large Vvardvarks that could serve as pack animals or riding mounts. Divayth Fyr would go on to say that Varkenel's failure was considered one of the most successful accidents in the history of House Telvanni.[3]


Ashsorrow Vvardvarks

From the original experiment, several different breeds are recorded to have existed. The most common is the tan-colored breed known as the Demotic Vvardvark.[4] Other varieties have more striking coloration; notably the Dozen-banded Vvardvark, with its vibrant tan and black striped pattern on its scales.[6] Another variety, the Tuxedo Vvardvark, was reported to have scale patterns which resembled the plumage of the chub loon, and are theorized to have been bred to hide among the flightless avians.[7]

Mossy Vvardvarks are yet another variant of this animal. They are known for the green moss that grows on on their backs. Some members of the Vvardenfell Zoological Field Commission were reluctant to acknowledge the Vvardvarks as creatures of magical origin due to how natural this variant seemed.[8] Ashsorrow Vvardvarks search for food among volcanic vents, and are beloved by Ashlander children.[9] Hivethief Vvarvdarks are a large mounted variant notably not created by Varkenel. They were instead created by Spellwright Domavas, who initially wished to expand on the Magister's work by giving the creatures feathers. While he failed at that endeavor, he succeeded in creating the Hivethief Vvardvark steeds.[10]

Uses and CultureEdit

Despite their recorded unpleasant scent, Vvardvarks are popularly domesticated as pets.[2] Other uses for this chimeric creature were found, the Vvardvark's long tongue can be used as fastenings due to their elastic qualities,[11] while the Ashlanders use their hard shells for armor.[12] The mounted variety of Vvardvarks was adopted by the Mages Guild's Order of the Lamp due to their loyalty, surefootedness, tracking skills, as well as the belief that they can smell magicka.[13]

Vvardvarks have become a part of Dunmeri mainstream culture. Felt plushies resembling Vvardvarks are a common sight in Morrowind.[14] They also feature in Blessed Almalexia's Fables for Morning.[15] Spells transforming people into Vvardvarks against their will were invented,[16][17] and ice sculptures depicting Vvardvarks have been created for sale.[18] "Varkenel's Hat Trick" is a performance in which the actor reenacts the creation of the first Vvardvark via a magic trick by pulling it out of a hat, though it is historically inaccurate.[19]


See AlsoEdit
