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Lore:Washtongue Powder

< Lore: Minerals: Other Minerals

Washtongue powder is a mineral native to the Murkmire region of the Black Marsh. It is traditionally used by local Argonians in their pottery, where it is known to aid in the firing process. While harmless to Argonians, it causes significant intestinal issues for other races. Pottery made with washtongue powder is allegedly unsuitable for storing edible products for other races unless it is coated with a specific ash-glaze made from a rare plant found on the peninsula north of Alten Meerhleel.[1]

Around 2E 582, Xuxas, the Root-Herald of the Bright-Throat Tribe,[2] engaged in a trade negotiation with Leonian, a representative of Green Tower Winery, intending to sell pottery crafted using washtongue powder to the winery. Despite initial complications, Leonian was convinced of the trade's lucrative potential, though his business partner Crassus was skeptical of the Argonian fraudster. The outcome of the trade remains unknown.[1]

See AlsoEdit



  1. ^ a b Meet the Character - Xukas — Leonian & Crassus
  2. ^ Xukas's dialogue in ESO: Murkmire