Wildblood Clan was one of numerous clans of Reachfolk that lived in the Reach during the Second Era.[1]
Wildblood Clan's members were known for their custom of crafting personal talismans, each of them being unique to that person and their family. It represented the relationship between hunter and prey, and was deeply personal to their beliefs about life and death. Those talismans were an important part of guiding their loved one's spirits home and were traditionally kept by living relatives of the deceased.[1][2]
At least some members of the Wildblood Clan were following the teachings of the Hircine.[2]
In 2E 582, during the times of Gray Host invasion of the Reach, the Wildblood Clan was attacked by the members of the Thornroot Clan, led by a Hagraven known as Matrogn Grygarsnit.[1][3] Under her leadership Thornroots became violent and began attacking clans capturing their people and transforming them into briarhearts, to ensure Thornroot Clan survival during the Gray Host intrusion.[4]
Due to the Gray Host attack, a lot of the Reachfolk clans stayed in Markarth at the behest of Ard Caddach.[4][5][6] It is unknown whether or not Wildblood Clan decided to seek refuge behind the city walls, but they had a presence in the city. In the same year,Wildblood Clan chief contacted an ambassador of the scholarly organization from Arenthia. They formed relations with scholars - in exchange for granting them the knowledge they requested the scholarly group for aid. The ambassador of the group acted as an intermediary between the clan and various contractors willing to aid them.[1]
Numerous members of the Wildblood Clan became kidnapped and subjected to the Briarheart ritual against their will. They hired an adventurer in order to destroy ritual tools of the Thornroots to cripple their ability to alter their captives. Wildbloods hoped to use that weakness to rescue some of their captured brethren.[1][7]
Thornroot Clan also stole a totem of power that held religious significance to the Wildblood Clan. It was a carved wooden totem, and likely a personification of one of the Great Spirits of the Reach.[8] The effigy was taken to their area of operations in Briar Rock Ruins and used by the Hagraven to draw power from. Some time later, the totem was taken by the hired adventurer and given back to the Wildbloods, likely causing the quelling of the violent tendencies of the Thornroot Clan.[1][9]
While the Wildbloods doubted that the Thornroots allowed many of their clanmates to survive, they still asked for help to retrieve their personal talismans left behind in Briar Rock ruins that were in the possession of the capturers, which caused yet another attack against the Thornroot Clan. The talismans were then successfully retaken thanks to the help of an adventurer and sent back to the Wildbloods.[1][10][2]
See AlsoEdit
- For game-specific information, see the Elder Scrolls Online article.
- ^ a b c d e f g Bralthahawn's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ a b c Wildblood Warrior Talisman item description in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Matron Grygarsnit's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ a b Medone's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Count Verandis Ravenwatch's dialogue during The Dark Heart in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Ard Caddach's dialogue in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Events of The Tainted Briarheart in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Hagraven Totem item description in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Events of What's Hers is Ours in ESO: Markarth
- ^ Events of Wild Talismans in ESO: Markarth