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Mod:Shadowkey Files

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This page lists files for Shadowkey.

Filename Size Description
Modernised Shadowkey Keybinds (Updated).zip 819 B Modernized PC keybinds for emulating Shadowkey under EKA2L1, updated for the latest stable versions of the emulator (as of 2023).
Star Tooth Placement Unofficial Patch 2 KB A patch that addresses an issue during the endgame of The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey, where, when placing Star Teeth on the pedestals, the screen for a pop-up message will come up; it has no text and you'll be unable to exit it, effectively locking your game and preventing you from finishing the main story.
Tanyin Aldwyr Texture 1 KB Devs forgot to assign Tanyin Aldwyr a skin texture when she makes an appearance in Dragonstar East, so the model defaults to the wrong texture. This mod assigns the proper one. Mod by TheRockWithAMedicineCupOnHisHead.
Dragonstar West Guards Redguard Texture 1 KB A mod that swaps the skin texture of the Dragonstar West Guards so they're now Redguards. Hammerfell is supposed to be in control of the west half of the city, so the characters guarding it should be Redguard. Mod by TheRockWithAMedicineCupOnHisHead.