Banor Seran might not miss a few bottles of Brandy.
Quick WalkthroughEdit
- Talk to Iulus Truptor at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart for a new almoner mission.
- Travel to Balmora to collect five bottles of Cyrodiilic Brandy.
- Persuade Benunius Agrudilius, Dulnea Ralaal, Bacola Closcius and Banor Seran to donate a bottle each.
- Steal or buy the last bottle of Brandy.
- Return to Iulus to complete the quest.
Detailed WalkthroughEdit
Almoner MissionEdit
Iulus Truptor at the Imperial Chapels in Ebonheart asks you to collect five bottles of Cyrodiilic Brandy from the citizens of Balmora.
Brandy for the Fundraising DinnerEdit
Checking around the various taverns in town will only yield you up to four bottles, and you'll have to buy or 'find' the last one.
Benunius Agrudilius, at the Lucky Lockup and Dulnea Ralaal at the Eight Plates will donate a bottle each if their disposition to you is 70 or higher. Bacola Closcius at the South Wall Cornerclub will also give you a bottle when asked (if his disposition is 30+) and tells you that Banor Seran, at the Council Club, has just received a shipment of brandy. He even tells you where he stores it and suggests you steal some, as the club is just a front for those Camonna Tong gangsters. If you go there and talk to Banor Seran, he will eventually agree to donate you a bottle (90+ disposition), which makes four. Well, it's time to teach them a lesson in manners by robbing their storeroom! Head to the back room. Go in and shut the door behind you to ensure privacy, then look in the chests until you find the bottles you need. If you want to be honest, you can simply buy the bottles from Banor Seran. He starts with five, and three bottles respawn each time you re-open his inventory.
Name | Disp. | Bottles |
Bacola Closcius | 30+ | 1 |
Benunius Agrudilius | 70+ | 1 |
Dulnea Ralaal | 70+ | 1 |
Banor Seran | 90+ | 1+ |
Total | - | 4+ |
Head on back to Iulus and hand over the bottles. He'll only take five regardless of how many you collected, so the rest are yours to keep. In return you get the Left and Right Hands of Zenithar.
- Despite telling you he only has two bottles of brandy of which he can donate one, bartering with Bacola Closcius reveals he has another five bottles besides the one he gives you.
- If you persuade him to donate a bottle of brandy, Banor Seran's disposition towards you is set to 20. Oddly, his disposition will not change if he refuses to donate a bottle.
- If you fail in your task, Iulus Truptor's disposition drops by ten.
- Dulnea will continue to give you additional bottles of Cyrodiilic Brandy, if her disposition is between 70 and 79.
- The Morrowind Patch Project fixes this bug.
Quest StagesEdit
The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal
console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner (IC12_dinner) | ||
Index | Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
1 | Iulus Truptor says we need 5 bottles of Cyrodilic brandy for a fundraising dinner. I'm to make the rounds of the tradehouses and cornerclubs in Balmora and ask if the publicans will donate the necessary brandy. When I have the brandy, I'm to deliver it to Iulus Truptor. | |
5 | I told Iulus Truptor I couldn't get five bottle of Cyrodilic brandy for the fundraising dinner at Fort Moonmoth. He was disappointed, and told me to decide whether my talents and temperaments are suited for soliciting donations. Before I approach him again for an almoner's mission, I must be sure I want to give the Imperial cult my full commitment. | |
50 | I delivered five bottles of Cyrodilic brandy to Iulus Truptor at Fort Moonmoth. He was very pleased. He gave me tokens of Zenithar's special blessing, and told me to speak to him again when I'm ready for another almoner's mission. | |
Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner (IC12_dinner_not) | ||
5 | I told Iulus Truptor I couldn't get five bottle of Cyrodilic brandy for the fundraising dinner at Fort Moonmoth. He was disappointed, and told me to decide whether my talents and temperaments are suited for soliciting donations. Before I approach him again for an almoner's mission, I must be sure I want to give the Imperial cult my full commitment. | |
Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner (IC12_Bacola) | ||
1 | Bacola Closcius gave me a bottle of Cyrodilic brandy for the fundraising dinner at Fort Moonmoth. He also hinted that Banor Seran at the Council Club just took delivery of some Cyrodilic brandy, and that he's probably got it stored in a closet in the hall just right of the bar. He says the Council Club is just a front for Camonna Tong gangsters, suggesting it wouldn't REALLY be a crime to steal the brandy from them. | |
Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner (IC12_Banor) | ||
1 | Banor Seran at the Council Club gave me a bottle of Cyrodilic brandy for the fundraising dinner at Fort Moonmoth. I think he gave it to me just to make me go away. | |
Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner (IC12_Benunius) | ||
1 | Benunius Agrudilius refused to give me Cyrodilic brandy, and gave me a bottle of greef instead. | |
5 | After I pressed him, Benunius Agrudilius yielded and gave me a bottle of Cyrodilic brandy for the fundraising dinner at Fort Moonmoth. | |
Brandy for the Fundraising Dinner (IC12_Dulnea) | ||
1 | After I pointed out the value of gaining the good will of the Imperial cult in a town where Imperial influence is so strong, Dulnea Ralaal gracefully donated a bottle of Cyrodilic brandy for the fundraising dinner at Fort Moonmoth. |
Prev: Shirt and Vest for Harvest's End | Up: Imperial Cult Quests | Next: Donation from Cunius Pelelius |