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Morrowind:Ervyna Hlervu's Shack

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Walkthrough: written by MolagBallet, not checked

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Exterior Images: added by MolagBallet, not checked
Ervyna Hlervu's Shack
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Console Location Code(s)
Tel Branora, Ervyna Hlervu's Shack
Tel Branora, [14,-13]
Ervyna Hlervu's Shack

Ervyna Hlervu's Shack is a small, single-room shack on the eastern end of Tel Branora's docks inhabited by Ervyna Hlervu.

Inside Ervyna's shack

Directly in front of the door lies a bucket, an empty barrel, a basket full of food, a wooden barrel full of cheap food and a sack with common loot in it (which can be empty). Ervyna sleeps in a hammock, which is next to the wall on the left-hand side of the shack (opposite the door). Beneath her bed, you'll find one barrel containing random dishes and four sacks of cheap food. There's a brown pillow on the end of the hammock that lies furthest from the front door. Nestled between her hammock and the back wall is a stack of crates. The two crates on the bottom contain random dishes, while the crate on the top of the stack is empty. There's a blue glass lantern on the crate in the southern corner.

There's a fire pit in the corner of her home that lies across from this stack of three crates. There's a fishing pole between the fire pit and the crates. There's a long table next to the fire pit, and two stools are seated next to it. Two empty baskets hang from the ceiling above the table. There's a small crate that can hold a very low amount of gold sitting atop the table on the end closest to the fire pit. A jug and two gold coins are sitting on top of this crate. The table is set to serve one: her place at the table consists of a small kwama egg on a plate, a yellow glass, a cup, a spoon, a knife, one jug and a bottle. This dining table is situated along the wall between the fire pit and the front door. Ervyna tends to stand in the middle of her home, though she occasionally walks back and forth along the floor near her hammock.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Ervyna Hlervu   Dark Elf Hunter 9 77 92 0 30