"Suthay-raht prefer claws to weapons. Fast and always ready."
"Suthay-raht make good jumpers and sneakers, but not good warriors like the Cathay-raht."
"The Khajiit are savage half-men of the southern deserts and jungles. They are ignorant and superstitious, but they are clever and dangerous. Our fathers used to keep them as slaves, but they are sneaky and untrustworthy. The settled people still keep them as slaves to feed them and keep their great houses clean."
"Khajiit are clever animals, and useful servants when trained from early youth, and so long as they are kept away from skooma. They are compulsive thieves and liars, lamentable traits that can be amended by stern punishment. By Imperial law, free Khajiit have the rights of citizens. Now there are Khajiit thieves everywhere."
"Some Khajiit are thieves, others are very good thieves."
"Khajiit wear many skins from the smooth-skin Ohmes to the fat-fur Senche-raht."
"The Khajiit are the cat people of the province of Elsweyr. Though the race has a variety of sub-types, each with different forms and habits, only the smooth, quick, agile Suthay-raht are encountered in Vvardenfell. When most people think of Suthay-raht, they think of thieves -- with good reason, since many Suthay-raht are cunning, acquisitive, and slow to embrace the sanctity of personal property. But the speed, agility, and bold spirit of the Suthay-raht also make them gifted traders and adventurers."
"Khajiit love Emperor very much, think of him often."
Khartag Point
"Going to Khartag Point, are you? You'll find that on the western coast not far from Gnaar Mok. Nothing there but a big rock. Don't know why anyone cares about it."
"Glorious Khartag Point! Very famous for orcs. Great hero Khartag who had fought some battle or something died there. Very famous."
"I've heard there are some changes at Khartag Point. Some daedric statue or other there now. And it was carved by some orc! Imagine that."
"Oh, Khartag Point has changed I hear. Now, have to climb up big ugly statue to jump. Still good time, though. Can't wait to see if new statue is as high as rock it carved from."
"Well, I guess the new statue there isn't bad, even for an orc sculptor."
"Yes, that's on the western coast, not far from here. It's a gigantic boulder. Some of the orcs consider it a landmark. Why, I don't know. Some orc or another jumped off on a dare. It didn't end well."
killing and murder
"Killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, Great House affairs under the sanction of the state, and affairs of heresy. Other killings are foul murder, and punishable by compensation, punitive labor, or, in sanctioned House Wars affairs, by writ of assassination."
"Justifiable but unnecessary or cruel killing is sinful, punishable by Temple courts, but not illegal under Imperial law. The justice of killing heretics is a source of bitter controversy among contemporary Temple authorities. Killing heretics is against Imperial law, but not dishonorable or scandalous."
"According to Imperial custom, killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, and affairs of honor. Other killings are murder, and punishable by fines and compensation, or by punitive labor."
"By House Hlaalu law and custom, killing is justifiable in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs under the sanction of the state. Other killings are foul murder and punishable by compensation, punitive labor, or, in sanctioned House Wars affairs, by writ of assassination. Justifiable but unnecessary or cruel killing is scandalous but legal. A cynical acceptable of abuse of power by the rich and powerful is a feature of Hlaalu philosophy."
"Outlaws have no rights, and may be killed without scandal or sanction. Guards may use deadly force in the line of duty."
"According to Telvanni custom, killing is justifiable on any practical grounds -- in particular, justifiable if you can get away with it, and it serves your purposes. Killing is neither sinful nor dishonorable. Telvanni abide by Imperial law only so far as it is enforced. No Imperial guards or Legion garrisons are found in most Telvanni settlements."
"Killing is justifiable when you can get away with it, and it serves your purposes."
"Killing is useful to educate and intimidate others, especially when brutal, cruel, and arbitrary."
"By House Redoran custom, killing is justified in war, self-defense, defense of property, affairs of honor, and House Wars affairs. Other killings are foul murder, and punishable by fines, hard labor, or writ of assassination."
"For the Morag Tong, killing anyone but a victim marked by writ is dishonorable, a sign of incompetence and disrespect for the Tong, and grounds for sanction or expulsion."
"According Morag Tong custom, killing civilians is scandalous, and grounds for expulsion."
"Killing a victim marked by a writ is sacred and honorable."
"According to the unwritten Code of the Thieves Guild, killing is always inefficient, inelegant, and counter-productive."
"A reputation for respecting life is good for business, and the Thieves Guild is very sensitive to public opinion."
"Unnecessary killing may be grounds for expulsion from the Guild."
"Local custom permits killing in House Wars when sanctioned by the state."
"He was an old man. He wasn't going to live forever."
Dark Elves in Mournhold will say:
"The King is dead. Long live the King. What more do you want me to say?" (Disposition >70)
"The King is dead. Long live the King. What more do you want me to say? The Palace says he died of old age. I'm not sure that's what they'd say over at Llethan Manor." (Disposition 70+)
"They say he died of old age. Maybe so. Dunmer live a long time... but they also know how to keep their mouths shut." (Disposition >70, NPC is Male)
"He was old. But not that old. Maybe he just died, like they said. But maybe someone helped him along. There's a broadside sheet called 'The Common Tongue'. In there it says Helseth poisoned hundreds of people when he was in the West, so why not here?" (Disposition 90+, NPC is Male)
"May his spirit rest among his ancestors. But he was king in name only. The Dunmer do not, and never have, submitted to kings like the Westerners, regardless of what the Empire says." (Disposition >70, NPC is Female)
"Gods rest his soul... but he won't be missed. The Dunmer don't have kings -- that's just Imperial foolishness." (Disposition >70, NPC is Female)
Non-Dark Elves in Mournhold will say one of the following:
"The King is dead. Long live the King."
"He'd been ill. He was old. He had no sons or daughters. Helseth is Llethan's great-nephew -- Barenziah is Llethan's niece. Queen Barenziah renounced her claim to the throne, so, according to Imperial custom, the crown goes to Prince Helseth." (female NPCs)
"He was an old man. Old men die. And now Helseth is king. Long live the king." (male NPCs)
"Kwama colonies, also known as eggmines, are inhabited by the following varieties of kwama: kwama queen, kwama warrior, kwama worker, kwama forager, and scrib."
kwama forager
"The kwama forager scouts the surface of the land and natural underground passages, searching for suitable locations for new colonies, and hunting for prey. Foragers are aggressive but not very dangerous."
kwama queen
"The kwama queen is the huge, bloated kwama that produces the nest's eggs. They are too large and fat to move, and all their needs are attended by worker kwama."
kwama warrior
"The kwama warrior defends the kwama colony's tunnels and chambers. Warriors are aggressive and dangerous."
kwama worker
"The kwama worker digs the colony's tunnels and chambers and tends to the queen and the eggs. Workers are unaggressive, but not completely helpless."
"Kynareth, Goddess of Air, is the deity of the heavens, the winds, the elements, and the unseen spirits of the air. Patron of sailors and travelers, Kynareth is invoked for auspicious stars at birth and for good fortune in daily life."