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Morrowind:The Rat In The Pot

< Morrowind: Places: Taverns(Redirected from Morrowind:Narile Sadoro)
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The Rat In The Pot
(view on map)
Proprietor Lirielle Stoine
Console Location Code(s)
Ald-ruhn, The Rat In The Pot
Ald'ruhn, [-2,6]
The Rat In The Pot

The Rat In The Pot is an inn in Ald'ruhn and the headquarters of the city's branch of the Thieves Guild.

Lirielle Stoine, the proprietor, sells thieves' tools and offers training on the upper floor. Aengoth the Jeweler is the local leader of the Guild, located in the cellar just below the bar. Estoril offers spells on the bottom floor.

Other than a copy of the Acrobatics skill book The Black Arrow, Volume 1 on the bottom floor, there are no items of note in the inn.

Main room of The Rat In The Pot
Thieves Guild members gather here

Related QuestsEdit

Fighters GuildEdit

Thieves GuildEdit

House RedoranEdit

  • Ash Statue: Continue the investigation to find out how and why Varvur received an ash statue.

Imperial CultEdit



Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Notes
Aengoth the Jeweler   Wood Elf Scout Thieves Guild Mastermind(Mastermind) 16 149 112 90 30 Trainer
Allding   Nord Pawnbroker Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 7 81 100 100 30 Merchant
Dro'Tasarr   Khajiit Commoner 1 40 80 0 30
Dular gro-Buzga   Orc Bard 4 65 94 0 30
Estoril   High Elf Battlemage Service Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 9 73 156 100 30 Spell Merchant
Galtis Guvron   Dark Elf Pawnbroker 7 71 120 100 30 Merchant
Lirielle Stoine   Breton Thief Service Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 7 57 120 100 30 Trainer; Merchant
Narile Sadoro   Dark Elf Commoner 2 46 82 0 30
Tee-Lan   Argonian Sharpshooter 5 60 116 90 30
Thadar Ertis   Dark Elf Commoner 3 57 84 0 30
Tongue-Toad   Argonian Savant Service Thieves Guild Wet Ear(Wet Ear) 7 95 31 90 30 Trainer; Merchant
Yak gro-Skandar   Orc Thief Thieves Guild Blackcap(Blackcap) 9 89 86 0 30