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Quests: not written
Services: written by TheRealLurlock Personal Inventory: written by Maroonroar, checked by Salamangkero House Contents: written by Forfeit (none), checked by Salamangkero Unique Dialogue: not written |
Ranis Athrys (ranis athrys) | |||
Home City | Balmora | ||
Location | Guild of Mages | ||
Race | Dark Elf | Gender | Female |
Level | 10 | Class | Nightblade Service |
Services | |||
Training | Mysticism (54) Alteration (48) Illusion (48) |
Merchant | |||
Spells | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Other Information | |||
Health | 73 | Magicka | 100 |
Alarm | 100 | Fight | 30 |
Faction(s) | Mages Guild (Wizard) |
Ranis Athrys is a Dark Elf nightblade and Wizard in the Mages Guild. She serves as Guild Steward of the Balmora branch. Most of the quests Ranis will give to the player are related to policing mages outside of the guild, such as recruiting Telvanni and stopping unsactioned training. Ranis has a ruthless streak; if the player cannot achieve her goals by convincing people, killing them is an option.
According to Llathyno Hlaalu and Trebonius Artorius, her parents were killed by the previous archmagister of House Telvanni. She appears to have some previous history with Tashpi Ashibael, who she accuses of necromancy.
People describe Ranis as resentful, and distrusting of mages outside of the guild. Even her own apprentice, Ajira, does not appear to like her much.
- "Ranis Athrys in the Balmora Mages Guild has something against wizards who aren't in the guild. I think it has something to do with her parents, who were murdered by the old Telvanni Archmagister, the one before Gothren." — Llathyno Hlaalu
- "The Mages Guild here is a better bet than the Fighters Guild. Ranis Athrys is the guild steward, so talk to her if you want to join up. She's got a chip on her shoulder, but her apprentice, Ajira, seems okay for a Khajiit." — Caius Cosades
- "Ranis Athrys here may have duties for you, but Ajira does not like Ranis much." — Ajira
- "If Ranis has held a grudge this long, it would be best for me to leave for the mainland." — Tashpi Ashibael
She is wearing an expensive robe with a matching ring and shoes. She is carrying a steel tanto. Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows a variety of spells, which you can buy from her.
Additionally, she is also one of the people who will let you join the guild, as well as a medium trainer in Mysticism, and a minor trainer in Alteration and Illusion. You must be at least a conjurer in the guild to access her services.
Quests GivenEdit
Mages GuildEdit
- Recruit or Kill Llarar Bereloth: Take a recruitment trip to a Telvanni in Sulipund.
- Manwe's Dues: Retrieve guild dues from a Mages Guild member in Punabi.
- Unsanctioned Training: Stop an Argonian from offering Restoration training without the Guild's approval.
- Escort Itermerel: Escort the scholar Itermerel to Pelagiad.
- Kill Necromancer Tashpi Ashibael: Investigate a possible case of necromancy in Maar Gan.
- Catch a Spy: Search for a Telvanni spy who has infiltrated the Guild.
Related QuestsEdit
Mages GuildEdit
- Stolen Reports: Find Ajira's stolen reports on mushrooms and flowers.
- A Wizard's Staff: Procure a Wizard's Staff required for the rank of Wizard.
- Greetings:
- "What do you want, %PCRank? Do you want more duties or not?"
- "Have you convinced Llarar Bereloth to join us? Do you have Manwe's guild dues?"
- "Have you put a stop to that unsanctioned training?"
- "I am waiting for Itermerel's notes."
- "Do the citizens of Maar Gan still have to worry about necromancy?"
- "Have you found the Telvanni spy?"
- bet with Galbedir: "Yes, I know all about their bet. I did the same things when I was an apprentice. You might as well do what Ajira asks."
- duties:
- "I don't have any duties for a %PCRank. Speak with me again when you have proven yourself. In the meantime, speak with Ajira. I believe she may have some small tasks for you."
- "I don't have any duties for a %PCRank... But you may be ready for advancement."
- "I need someone to convince an ex-Telvanni to join us. While you're there, you can collect Manwe's guild dues."
- "An Argonian at the South Wall Cornerclub is offering training in Restoration without the sanction of the Guild. I want someone to stop his unsanctioned training."
- "The scholar Itermerel needs an escort to Pelagiad... But I want Itermerel's notes."
- "I believe Tashpi Ashibael in Maar Gan has been practicing Necromancy."
- "I believe the Mages Guild has been infiltrated by a Telvanni spy."
- "You have completed all the duties I have. Have you spoken with Edwinna in Ald'ruhn or Skink in Sadrith Mora?"
- Guild Dues:
- "Manwe has failed to pay her dues for several years, and she now owes us over 2000 septims. Allegedly she is researching something in Punabi, near Llarar Bereloth in Sulipund. If you can convince her to pay the dues, I will split them with you. Otherwise, kill her."
- "I've already told you what I want done. Find Manwe in Punabi and get the dues she owes us."
- [Disposition +5] "You killed Manwe? Hmm... The lost income is unfortunate, but perhaps it will serve as a lesson to others. What happened with Llarar Bereloth? Did you convince him to join us or not?" OR "You killed Manwe? Hmm... The lost income is unfortunate, but perhaps it will serve as a lesson to others."
- "I'll let you know if anyone else hasn't paid their dues. Once word of this gets around, I shouldn't have any more trouble from these less dedicated wizards."
- "Do you have the 2000 septims that Manwe owes?"
- Yes. [Disposition +15; 1000 Gold has been removed from your inventory.] "Good work, %PCName. You are the first %PCRank to get Manwe to pay her dues. I knew I could rely on you. Did you also convince Llarar Bereloth to join us?" OR "Good work, %PCName. You are the first %PCRank to get Manwe to pay her dues. I knew I could rely on you."
- "I'll let you know if anyone else hasn't paid their dues."
- No. "Then go back to Manwe and get the dues from her. If you can't convince her, kill her. Don't come back here again until you get some results."
- join us:
- "The Telvanni's name is Llarar Bereloth. He's in Sulipund. If you can't convince him to join, kill him. While you're there, collect the guild dues from Manwe. She is in Punabi, nearby."
- "It's not hard, %PCRank. Just go to Sulipund and convince Llarar Bereloth to join. If you can't convince him, kill him. And don't forget to pay Manwe a visit in Punabi."
- [Disposition +5; 2 Quality Restore Magicka.] "It's too bad you had to kill him, %PCRank, but we can't let anyone sell magic services without the sanction of the Mages Guild. I have a few potions for you. Did you get Manwe's guild dues while you were there?" OR "It's too bad you had to kill him, %PCRank, but we can't let anyone sell magic services without the sanction of the Mages Guild. I have a few potions for you."
- [Disposition +10; 4 Quality Restore Magicka has been added to your inventory.] "Good work, %PCName. Maybe he'll give us some info on the Telvanni. I suppose I should find something to give you for your efforts... Here, take these spare potions. And did you get Manwe's guild dues?" OR "Good work, %PCName. Maybe he'll give us some info on the Telvanni. I suppose I should find something to give you for your efforts... Here, take these spare potions."
- "You dealt with Llarar Bereloth to my satisfaction %PCRank."
- Itermerel's notes:
- "Itermerel has just arrived in Balmora and doesn't know his way around. He wants to be escorted to the Halfway Tavern in Pelagiad. I don't care if he makes it or not, %PCName. I just want a copy of his notes. He should be waiting at the Eight Plates."
- "Well, do you have the notes or not?"
- Yes, here they are. "So you have the notes? Bring them to me." OR [Disposition +15; Itermerel's Notes has been removed from your inventory.] "Good work, %PCName. You'll go far in the Mages Guild."
- "The notes were quite valuable to me. Thank you, %PCName."
- No, not yet. [Disposition -5] "Don't just stand here. Go find Itermerel and get his notes for me. My patience is limited."
- Molag Amur: "Molag Amur is the rocky, uninhabited wilderness interior of southeastern Vvardenfell. There are only a few paths in this area and travel is hazardous because of the lava pools."
- necromancy:
- "Find Tashpi Ashibael in Maar Gan and kill her. The Mages Guild cannot tolerate necromancers."
- "It's not a difficult assignment, %PCName. Go to Maar Gan. Find Tashpi Ashibael. Kill her."
- [Disposition +10] "Wait... You already killed Tashpi? I wish you had told me sooner."
- [Disposition +20; 2 Scroll of Elemental Burst:Fire has been added to your inventory. 2 Scroll of The Fourth Barrier has been added to your inventory.] "You've killed Tashpi? Good work, %PCName. These scrolls should help you deal with any other necromancers you find."
- "Did you kill the necromancer?"
- Lie: Yes. [Disposition +15; 2 Scroll of Elemental Burst:Fire has been added to your inventory. 2 Scroll of The Fourth Barrier has been added to your inventory.] "She is truly dead? You have done me... the Guild, that is, a great service. These scrolls should help you deal with any other necromancers you find."
- "There is one less necromancer here in Vvardenfell thanks to you, %PCName."
- No. "I do not see what could possibly be difficult about this assignment, %PCName. Find Tashpi Ashibael in Maar Gan and kill her."
- punabi [sic]: "Leave Balmora going towards Fort Moonmoth to the east. Cross the old Dwemer bridge just north of the fort that leads into Molag Amur. Go past the Dwemer ruin and follow the winding trail east until you reach a lake. You will see Marandus to your south. I will mark this stronghold on your map. Head north from Marandus on the path between the hills. Punabi will be on your right and Sulipund is further up the path on the left. Just follow the signs to Molag Mar."
- stolen reports:
- "It's an unfortunate situation. Back when I was an Apprentice here, we had to find our own reports when a jealous rival stole them."
- [Disposition ≥ 60] "It's an unfortunate situation. Back when I was an Apprentice here, we had to find our own reports when a jealous rival stole them. But I suppose you want to know where the scroll is. I can't say for sure, but I saw Galbedir rummaging about among those sacks and barrels across from the stairway earlier."
- Sulipund: "Sulipund is further along the trail from Punabi. Sulipund is just before the fork in the path."
- Tashpi Ashibael:
- "Right. Tashpi lives in Maar Gan. She's the one who has been practicing necromancy."
- "That's one less necromancer here in Vvardenfell."
- Telvanni spy:
- "Go to the Guild halls in Ald'ruhn, Vivec, and Sadrith Mora. I'm sure there's a spy. When you find the spy, do not take any action. Report back to me."
- "Look for a spy in the Mages Guilds in Ald'ruhn, Vivec, and Sadrith Mora. When you find the spy, report back to me. It is not necessary to take any action against the spy."
- [Disposition +15; Tiram Gadar's Credentials has been removed from your inventory. 2 Scroll of Summon Golden Saint has been added to your inventory. Soul Drinker has been added to your inventory.] "Yes, this is exactly the kind of proof I was looking for. Excellent work, %PCName. It's a shame that the guild is run by a scuttlehead with no sense or ambition like Trebonius. These credentials are the worst forgery I've seen in years. Even Ocato's name is misspelled. Please take these scrolls and this dagger for helping the guild."
- "I have the situation under control, %PCRank."
- Trebonius: "Imperial s'wit. He knows nothing of the Dunmer and even less of politics. When you're speaking with him, just nod your head and smile and then forget everything he said."
- unsanctioned training:
- "I have word that an Argonian is offering training in Restoration at the South Wall Cornerclub. This Argonian, whoever he is, does not have the sanction of the Mages Guild. Convince him to stop offering unsanctioned training."
- "Have you taken care of that Argonian?"
- Yes. "I don't believe you did take care of him. Go back and do the job right this time." OR [Disposition +10] "Good. We can't allow just anyone to offer training in magic." OR [Disposition +15; 4 Scroll of Elemental Burst:Fire has been added to your inventory.] "So you killed him? Good. I wish every %PCRank was as efficient as you. Please take these scrolls with my gratitude. I think you will enjoy them."
- "I'll let you know if I hear about anyone else offering training."
- No. "Then why are you here? Get that lizard to stop offering training."
- Llathyno Hlaalu at the Balmora Temple says that Ranis' parents were killed by the previous Telvanni Archmagister, which is reinforced by Trebonius Artorius alluding to something bad done to her parents by Telvanni. We also learn from Tashpi Ashibael that Ranis was "well born".
- Ranis generally rewards the player more for resolving her quests peacefully, except in the case of the Argonian offering Unsanctioned Training. In this case, she will give additional rewards to players who kill Only-He-Stands-There.
- The notes Ranis wants from Itermerel are about Oblivion Streams, which is also what Manwe, who she sends you to collect guild dues of, is researching.
- It is possible to get Ranis kicked out of the Mages Guild by letting both Itermerel and Tashpi live (during the Escort Itermerel and Kill Necromancer Tashpi Ashibael quests, respectively) and then reporting her as the spy during Catch a Spy to Trebonius Artorius.
Ranis Athrys has the following spells for sale:
Spell Name | Cost | Effects | |
Alteration | |||
Crushing Burden Touch | 30 | Burden 60 pts for 10 secs on Touch | |
Fifth Barrier | 150 | Shield 50 pts for 30 secs on Self | |
Great Burden of Sin | 30 | Burden 40 pts for 10 secs on Target | |
Heavy Burden | 30 | Burden 40 pts for 10 secs on Target | |
Sixth Barrier | 180 | Shield 60 pts for 30 secs on Self | |
Strong Feather | 25 | Feather 50 pts for 10 secs on Self | |
Tinur's Hoptoad | 30 | Jump 20 pts for 10 secs on Self | |
Ulms's Juicedaw's Feather | 25 | Feather 50 pts for 10 secs on Self | |
Illusion | |||
Concealment | 90 | Invisibility for 1.5 mins on Self | |
Far Silence | 30 | Silence for 10 secs on Target | |
Shadowmask | 83 | Chameleon 40-70 pts for 30 secs on Self | |
Mysticism | |||
Soul Trap | 6 | Soultrap for 60 secs on Touch |