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Tamriel Data:Reachman

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Data: Races(Redirected from Morrowind:Reachman)
A typical Reachman male
A typical Reachman female
For more information, see the main lore article.

Reachmen are a human race native to the Reach with characteristics of both Nords and Bretons.

Base AttributesEdit

Attribute M F
Strength 40 35
Intelligence 45 50
Willpower 50 50
Agility 40 40
Speed 35 40
Endurance 35 30
Personality 25 25
Luck 40 40

Skill BonusesEdit

Skill Bonus
Conjuration Conjuration +10
Destruction Destruction +10
Alteration Alteration +5
Alchemy Alchemy +10
Blunt Weapon Blunt Weapon +5
Athletics Athletics +5

In-Game DescriptionEdit

The natives of the Reach are derogatorily referred to as Reachmen, or the Witchmen of High Rock. While their ancestry is primarily Nordic and Breton, the Reachmen have intermingled with almost every race on Tamriel, and they are considered a mongrel race by most. Their society is primitive and tribal, comparable only to the nomadic Orc tribes with whom they share both a social and a geographical niche. They are adept at subsiding in the wilderness, feeling right at home in the mesas and hills of The Reach. Reachmen practice dangerous forms of hedge-magic, and are considered fierce and relentless warriors, often employed as mercenaries.


Ability: Magicka Bonus

Ability: Resist Magicka

Power: Witch Eye

Power: Blood Chant
