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Morrowind:Reloth Ancestral Tomb

< Morrowind: Places: Tombs

This article is about Rel-o-th Ancestral Tomb. For Rel-e-th Ancestral Tomb, see Releth Ancestral Tomb.

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Walkthrough: not written

Interior Images: added by Thuraya Salaris, checked by Dillonn241

Exterior Images: added by Jeancey, checked by Thuraya Salaris
Reloth Ancestral Tomb
(view on map)
# of Zones 1
Merta, Undead
Console Location Code(s)
Reloth Ancestral Tomb
West Gash, [-7,12]
Reloth Ancestral Tomb

Reloth Ancestral Tomb is a large tomb southeast of Khuul and west of Maar Gan in the West Gash.

Merta in the central chamber

You will be sent here by the Berne Clan to kill Merta. The guardians include five undead, four Berne Clan cattle, and a vampire named Merta. The tomb contains a few potions, a scroll, some minor equipment, and some ingredients. Merta has a Poisonmirror Robe and a Demon Tanto.

Family MembersEdit

There is only one known member of the Reloth family:

Related QuestsEdit


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight
Merta   Nord Enforcer 27 211 118 0 90


  • Although Merta is of Berne blood, she doesn't belong to the Berne faction.
  • One of the cattle in the tomb is given the "Go free" prompt in dialogue. However there is no Slave key with which to free them with. A work around to freeing slaves without a key can be found in the Slaves article.



Map of Reloth Ancestral Tomb