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Morrowind:Resist Paralysis

< Morrowind: Spell Effects
MW-icon-effect-Resist Paralysis.jpg Resist Paralysis
School Restoration
Type Defensive
Base Cost 0.2 [1]
(Click on any item for details)

Resist Paralysis M% for D seconds

Reduces the chance of being Paralyzed by M%. Contrary to some sources, this does not reduce the duration of Paralysis effects. Any Paralyze effect that is not resisted will still work at full strength. Resist Magicka does not protect against Paralysis. Vampires are 100% immune to Paralysis.

Related EffectsEdit

Alchemy IngredientsEdit

The following ingredients can be used to create a potion of Resist Paralysis:

* This is a first-effect ingredient, so a small dose of the effect can be experienced by eating it raw.
