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< Morrowind: Places: Regions(Redirected from Morrowind:Salmus Kaushmamanu)
A foyada in the Ashlands
The Redoran town of Ald'ruhn
The Ashlander camp of the Urshilaku
Map of the Ashlands
Ashlands Weather Table
Clear 10% Thunder 0%
Cloudy 25% Foggy 10%
Ash 30% Blight 0%
Overcast 25% Rain 0%
Snow 0% Blizzard 0%

The Ashlands region is the largest contiguous geographical region on Vvardenfell—a dry, inhospitable wasteland characterized by clusters of stone obelisks; minimal, highly-adapted vegetation; and bubbling ash mires. It encompasses land from the Urshilaku Camp on the northern shore of the Sea of Ghosts, west to the Redoran Council seat Ald'ruhn, then south to where the slopes of Red Mountain level off into the lava fields of Molag Amur. The southern border runs on an approximate line from Foyada Mamaea, near Balmora, to the southern border of the Grazelands.

The mountainous region of Molag Amur to the southeast is sometimes considered part of the Ashlands because of the similarity of its ecology, but is generally flatter, with open lava flows. Also, the slopes of Red Mountain itself are a separate region, bound by the Ghostfence. Frequent ash storms limit visibility and spread the Blight, affecting almost every creature found in the region.

Only the western part of the Ashlands is under permanent control of House Redoran. The shrine in Maar Gan is an important Temple pilgrimage site, and the village's houses volunteer militia for the fight against the forces of Dagoth Ur. The nomadic Ashlander tribe of the Urshilaku hunt for game, forage, and their herds find sparse grazing around ragged tent villages in the far northwest, but there are small Ashlander camps throughout the area outside the Ghostfence. The rest of the region is embattled with infractions of rogue Telvanni, bandits, and even vampires trying to gain a foothold. The interior of the Ashlands is thus largely devoid of permanent, occupied settlements, with the citadel of Ghostgate being the major exception. This is due to the lack of water and vegetation in the area, as it rarely ever rains. Scattered throughout the land are various caves, egg mines, Daedric and Dwemer ruins, and wizards' towers. Common species of the Ashlands are rats, wild guars, bull and betty netch, alits, kagoutis and the ever-present cliff racers. While the region's soil is too poor for cultivation, tough native species such as trama, fire fern and occasional lichen scratch out a rough existence in the rocky ground and provide valuable substances for the creation of potions.

Ashlands PlacesEdit

A list of places found in the Ashlands, Vvardenfell, Morrowind.

Cities and SettlementsEdit

Major CitiesEdit

  • Ald'ruhn — A large city southwest of Red Mountain, and Redoran council seat. (map)

Smaller TownsEdit

  • Ghostgate — A fortress that consists of two main towers, Dusk and Dawn, connected by a hallway that acts as a Tribunal Temple. (map)
  • Maar Gan — A Redoran temple town and pilgrimage destination. (map)

Imperial FortsEdit

Ashlander CampsEdit

House StrongholdsEdit

Ancestral TombsEdit



Daedric RuinsEdit

Dunmer StrongholdsEdit

Dwemer RuinsEdit


Velothi TowersEdit

Related QuestsEdit

A list of quests that take are related to the Ashlands, Vvardenfell, Morrowind.

Main QuestEdit

Great House QuestsEdit

House HlaaluEdit

House RedoranEdit

House TelvanniEdit

Guilds' QuestsEdit

Fighters GuildEdit

Mages GuildEdit

Thieves GuildEdit

Tribunal TempleEdit

Morag TongEdit

Imperial CultEdit

Imperial LegionEdit



Aundae ClanEdit

Berne ClanEdit

Quarra ClanEdit

Miscellaneous QuestsEdit






Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Addarnat Assardidairan   Dark Elf Scout 12 128 104 0 90 [6,9] Trainer
Anasour Selitbael   Dark Elf Archer 10 103 94 0 90 [5,13]
Antu Assarrimisun   Dark Elf Wise Woman 8 62 96 0 90 [5,3]
Assamanu Shashipal   Dark Elf Mabrigash 9 104 94 0 90 [-4,10]
Berapli Ashumallit   Dark Elf Mabrigash 13 135 100 0 90 [5,2]
Dakin Kuntarnammu   Dark Elf Barbarian 8 96 92 0 90 [-2,11]
Dissu Ashalkimallit   Dark Elf Mabrigash 11 120 98 0 90 [5,2]
Drerel Indaren   Dark Elf Commoner 6 35 94 0 30 [-4,7]
Falanu Indaren   Dark Elf Commoner 5 63 88 0 30 [-3,7]
Fonus Rathryon   Dark Elf Pilgrim 7 82 94 0 30 [-5,12]
Kanat Assalatammis   Dark Elf Scout 6 83 92 0 90 [-2,13] Trainer
Mamaea Ularshanentus   Dark Elf Wise Woman 12 78 104 0 90 [-5,14]
Man-Ilu Ashananapal   Dark Elf Wise Woman 9 66 98 0 90 [5,13]
Manu Odirnapal   Dark Elf Wise Woman 11 74 102 0 90 [6,9]
Mausur Assaplit   Dark Elf Barbarian 10 111 94 0 90 [5,13]
Mubdan Esurnadarpal   Dark Elf Scout 12 128 104 0 90 [7,12] Trainer
Mut Urshan-Adairan   Dark Elf Barbarian 13 132 100 0 90 [6,9]
Nirai Ashishpalirdan   Dark Elf Mabrigash 8 98 92 0 90 [-4,10]
Nirait Shin-Ilu   Dark Elf Barbarian 7 88 90 0 90 [-2,13]
Nund Assurnipilu   Dark Elf Barbarian 8 96 92 0 90 [5,4]
Pilu Shilansour   Dark Elf Mabrigash 10 113 96 0 90 [-4,10]
Salay Yessur-Disadon   Dark Elf Scout 7 90 94 0 90 [5,4] Trainer
Salmus Kaushmamanu   Dark Elf Barbarian 12 125 98 0 90 [-5,14]
Santinti Assarbeberib   Dark Elf Wise Woman 11 74 102 0 90 [7,12]
Selk Muddumummu   Dark Elf Barbarian 10 111 94 0 90 [5,3]
Shali Assannabalit   Dark Elf Mabrigash 11 120 98 0 90 [5,2]
Shamar gro-Ogar   Orc Barbarian 14 147 80 0 70 [-1,4]
Shanit Ashar-Don   Dark Elf Archer 11 110 96 0 90 [-5,14]
Shirerib Ashi-Iddan   Dark Elf Barbarian 14 140 100 0 90 [7,12]
Telinturco   High Elf Archer 12 111 118 0 30 [4,3]
Tissamsi Asharapli   Dark Elf Mabrigash 9 104 94 0 90 [3,14]
Undil   High Elf Witchhunter 13 82 196 0 30 [4,3]
Viatrix Petilia   Imperial Pilgrim Tribunal Temple Acolyte(Acolyte) 12 113 104 0 30 [-3,5]
Yenabi Laserbillahemmi   Dark Elf Wise Woman 6 54 92 0 90 [5,4]
Zairan Enturnabaelul   Dark Elf Scout 9 105 98 0 90 [5,3] Trainer
Zanat Assarnuridan   Dark Elf Scout 7 90 94 0 90 [-2,11] Trainer
Zebba Asharnalit   Dark Elf Mabrigash 9 104 94 0 90 [3,14]