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Morrowind Mod:AFFresh/A Healer's Curiosity

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Investigate a mysterious Redguard for Tyermaillin in Balmora
Quest Giver: Tyermaillin in Balmora
Location(s): Balmora, Dren Plantation, Ebonheart
Prerequisite Quest: Report to Caius Cosades
Reward: None
ID: AF_HealersCuriousity

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Talk to Tyermaillin at his house in Balmora about Orders, then about Tavia.
  2. Talk to Sugar-Lips Habasi about Tavia with 70 disposition, or as a member of the Thieves Guild.
  3. Talk to Tiron Ienith at the crossroads between Balmora and Pelagiad about Tavia, Lady Othri and Braleni.
  4. Talk to Mash gro-Burol at the Dren Plantation Shipping House, with 70 disposition, about Braleni and running glass.
  5. Talk to Braleni Dren at the Six Fishes in Ebonheart, with 80 disposition, about Lady Othri.
    • (Optional) Return to Tyermaillin to finish the quest.
  6. Talk to Nevosi Hlan at the docks about Lady Othri.
  7. Talk to Tavia in the Slippin Grayfish Deck and fight off the Bonewalkers, then talk to her about running glass.
  8. Return to Tyermaillin.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

A Healer's Curiosity (AF_HealersCuriousity)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Tyermaillin in Balmora asked me to find a Redguard woman who called herself Tavia and came to him with cuts and stab wounds.
30 Habasi gave me two notes that may be from Tavia.
31 The blood-stained note is from 'Braleni' and mentions meeting at the crossroads going out of Balmora to Pelagiad or points east.
32 I read the torn note. The wording sounds familiar. Perhaps I should ask Bugrol or Bashuk in Caldera about 'Ruthara.'
40 A pilgrim at the crossroads told me someone named Braleni was talking to a redheaded Redguard who called herself Lady Othri.
41 A pilgrim at the crossroads told me Braleni complained about the long walk from the plantation, possibly the Dren plantation east of Pelagiad.
50 Braleni Dren is at Ebonheart, either at the docks or at the Fish. I should find her and ask about Tavia.
55 I have heard that 'Ruthara' went to Ebonheart and was trying to hire a ship there.
60 Tavia has taken a ship to Solitude. Perhaps I can hire a ship to catch up to her.
65 I finally found 'Tavia' and spoke with her, but we were ambushed by undead.
70 I rescued Tavia from an undead attack and she told me she was hired to get a large shipment of glass for the prince of Dragonstar. She claimed to not know much more than that.
100 Finishes quest  I told Tyermaillin that 'Tavia' was on a ship to Solitude. He agreed it wasn't worth pursuing further.
110 Finishes quest  Tyermaillin thanked me for finding out that "Tavia" was trying to smuggle glass. Whatever the real reason, it may end up becoming Blades business later, but it won't be anything the Blades here in Vvardenfell need to investigate.
120 Finishes quest  Tyermaillin was upset that 'Tavia' was dead, but now there is no reason to investigate further.